Hidden Pre-Fill Information

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Contact

Prefilled from Match

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Training Assignment

Prefilled from Contact

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Enrollment

Prefilled from Background Checks

Prefilled from Background Checks

Prefilled from Enrollment

step1 attended orientation

step 2 application submitted

step 3 attend interview
step 4 processing
step 6: enrollment decision
step 6 match

 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item APPLICATION INCOMPLETE
Thank you so much for attending orientation! Your next step is to complete the application.
Fill out your app using the link below: 
To complete your application for Community Based involvement please click this link: Volunteer  Application .

If you are participating in Mentor 2.0 please click this application link: Mentor 2.0 Application

 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item APPLICATION COMPLETE

 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item ORIENTATION INCOMPLETE
Thank you so much for inquiring! Your first step is to attend one of our info sessions. 
Sign up for orientation/info session HERE

 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item ORIENTATION INCOMPLETE
You're scheduled for:

 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item ORIENTATION COMPLETE
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item INTERVIEW INCOMPLETE
Thank you for completing your application!  

The next step is to schedule your interview, please refer to the links below to schedule your interview time and method. Please also make note of if you have a Community based application or Mentor 2.0 application! 
Community Based Interview Links
For an Online Interview please use the link below

Click Here
For an In Person Interview please use the link below

Click Here
Mentor 2.0 Interview Links
For an Online Interview please use the link below

Click Here
For an In Person Interview please use the link below

Click Here

Please schedule your interview in the next 7 days. Our interview spots do fill up quickly and we want to ensure we can process your enrollment efficiently. 
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item INTERVIEW SCHEDULED
Please allot at least one and a half hours for your interview.
Your interview is scheduled for
 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item INTERVIEW COMPLETE
Thank you for taking the time to talk with us!
You're working on...
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item PREMATCH TRAINING INCOMPLETE
To complete your prematch training please refer to the link your Enrollment Specialist sent in the post interview email. The link will take you to The Learning Exchange (TLE) which houses all of our prematch training.
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item PREMATCH TRAINING SCHEDULED
You've signed up for the in-person prematch training. Please see the details below.
 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item PREMATCH TRAINING COMPLETE
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item FINGERPRINTS IN PROGRESS
To get fingerprinted, please call our office to schedule a time to be fingerprinted.
 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item FINGERPRINTS COMPLETE
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS IN PROGRESS
We need the additional following additional documents from you:
 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS COMPLETE
We're working on...
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item BACKGROUND CHECK IN PROGRESS
 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item BACKGROUND CHECK COMPLETE
 three white dots in a yellow circle signifying an incomplete item REFERENCES IN PROGRESS
We have not completed the following references. Please remind them we will be reaching out for a reference check.
 white check mark in a bright green circle signifying a complete item REFERENCES COMPLETE
We may still require certain follow-ups. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
You’ve completed all of the necessary steps in your enrollment and staff are working to process and assess your file.

A member of our enrollment team will be in touch to discuss next steps, but please reach out if you have questions.
You’ve completed all of the necessary steps in your enrollment and staff are working to find a mentee who is the best fit for you!

For more ways to get involved, please check out our website at www.SoAzBigs.org 

Do reach out if you have questions!
Congratulations! We've found a great mentee for you! 

We will be reaching out via phone to share a little more. Once the match is approved by all parties, we will schedule a Match Introduction with you. Please review your emails for meeting date and time.
step 6 matched

You are matched with

You've been matched for

We need to talk to you next on:

Please complete the surveys below:

Thank you for checking in and for your interest in volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters. At this time, your enrollment has been closed. 

Please reach us at our website www.SoAzBigs.org if you have any questions. 
We wish you continued success in your endeavors!
diagonal green lines tile