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Welcome to Big Brothers Big Sisters! 

We are excited you are here and interested in volunteering to be a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters! After you complete this application, we will follow up with you to complete the next steps of the enrollment process. 

Step 1: Complete the following application. 

Step 2: Interview, Training and Background Check 

Once your application is submitted, our Enrollment team will work with you to schedule your interview, provide instructions for completing the online training and your fingerprint background check. The volunteer training can be done in-person or virtually. Having a charge on your background check does not automatically exclude you from volunteering. If you have any questions, please call the office at 423-698-8016. 

Step 3: Acceptance/Denial 

Not every volunteer who applies is accepted into the Big Brothers Big Sisters' program. Once the enrollment process is complete, you will be contacted to inform you of our final decision. BBBS is not required to share reasons for denying a potential volunteer. 

Step 4: Match Introduction 

Volunteers are matched with a Little based on similar interests, geographical location, personality and values to ensure a long-lasting relationship. You will be contacted by the Enrollment team to present a potential match. 

Step 5: Match Support

Once you have your Match Introduction, you will be assigned a Match Support Specialist. This Match Support Specialist is our team member dedicated to you and helping your match succeed. For the first year of your match, they will contact you monthly and after your 1-year Match Anniversary, they will contact you quarterly. All participants are required to respond to their Match Support Specialist in a timely manner. 
Non-Discrimination Policy

Our participants come to us with a wide range of personal characteristics. Although not all applicants are accepted, we determine participant eligibility without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability. 

Basic Information

input NA if none

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File can be a screenshot, PDF, or picture

File can be a screenshot, PDF, or picture


Contact Information

To ensure safety, our process includes a basic screening of other adults living in a volunteer's home. Please list the full name, other names used (maiden, alias, etc.), and birth date of ALL adults 18 year or older living in your home:

This person may be the same or a different person than lives in the home with you. 

Employer Information

Additional Information

Previous Experience

References and Background Check

Please provide three references. You will also be required to provide any youth serving organizations you have worked with in the last five years in addition to the first three references. A reference from a Spouse/Spousal Equivalent or Significant Other is required. Substitute a family member if no Spouse/Spousal Equivalent or Significant Other. Your references will be contacted first by e-mail. If they do not respond via e-mail, they will be contacted via phone. Completing the reference will take approximately 15-30 minutes. 
Spousal/Familial Reference

Employer/Co-Worker Reference
Current or former employer or co-worker you have known for at least one year. If you are a student, this can be a professor or advisor from school. 

Personal Reference
A friend or neighbor you have known for at least two years. 

Volunteer Experience

I understand that:
  1. The references and youth organizations that I have worked for or been involved with as a volunteer whose information I have provided will be contacted by telephone or e-mail.
  2.  I am in no way obligated to perform any volunteer services.
  3. The information I provide will be used to conduct a background check, to include a search of public domain records, driving records check, juvenile and adult criminal history check, military records, and other records where required by local, state, or federal law for volunteers working with youth. If matched, the information I provided may also be used to conduct an annual criminal background and driving records check. Continued involvement will be based on the information discovered. Having something on my background check will not automatically exclude me from volunteer services. 
  4. I will need to complete a fingerprint background check before being matched and every three years as long as I am involved with BBBS. 
  5.  Big Brothers Big Sisters has the right to accept or deny program participants and is not obligated to match me with a youth. Big Brothers Big Sisters is not required to provide me with a reason if I am not accepted or matched with a youth. Big Brothers Big Sisters may deny my application or close my match at any time. 
  6. Other BBBS agencies and youth organizations where I have worked or volunteered may be contacted as references. 
  7. As part of the enrollment process, I agree to provide additional personal information (including completion of an in-person interview) to assist Big Brothers Big Sisters in making a recommendation for matching.
  8. I understand that the information I provide in the enrollment process will be kept confidential unless disclosure is required by law. 
  9. I understand that detailed accounts of child abuse or neglect, past or present, will be reported to proper authorities. 
  10. I understand that certain relevant information about me will be discussed with the Parent/Guardian of a child who is a prospective match (This might include demographic information relevant to parent/child preferences, information collected from the background checks, and any information relevant to a child's safety or well-being)
  11. It is my responsibility to update the agency if any of the information I provide on this information, in my interview, or any other information provided during the enrollment process changes (address, phone number, auto-insurance, new criminal charges, etc.)
  12. I agree to complete questionnaires throughout my time in the program to evaluate and improve program services. 
  13. I agree to timely communication and follow-up with all agency staff as required by the agency. 
  14. Big Brothers Big Sisters asks that all volunteers are free of any sort of illegal drug use for at least one year prior to applying, and in the State of Tennessee and the State of Georgia, that would also include being free of any sort of marijuana use for one year prior to applying to be a volunteer.  
  15. I acknowledge that BBBSGC uses artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and electronic recording devices in various capacities to assist with the evaluation of volunteer applications, the facilitation of volunteer activities, and for other related purposes.
  16. I grant permission to BBBSGC to use AI to process my application, which may include the analysis of my submitted written materials and any audio or video recordings made with my consent during the application process or subsequent volunteer activities.
  17. I consent to the collection of my personal data, which includes but is not limited to my name, address, telephone number, email address, and any other personal information provided in my volunteer application or derived from electronic recordings.
  18. I understand that my data will be used for purposes directly related to my volunteer role at BBBSGC and may be used for communication, scheduling, statistical reporting, and other related functions necessary for the operation of the volunteer program.
  19. I acknowledge that my personal data and contributions to the volunteer program as written or recorded will be stored digitally by BBBSGC. This information may be stored on secure servers, cloud-based systems, or other digital formats as deemed appropriate by BBBSGC.
  20. I understand that BBBSGC will retain my personal data for as long as it is relevant and necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, and in compliance with applicable data retention laws and policies.
  21. I am assured that BBBSGC will implement reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect my personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Media Consent and Release

Virtual Platform

Additional Big Brothers Big Sisters Involvement

Release of Information Authorization for Background Check

A criminal history record check is required of all Volunteer Bigs.

1.       Volunteer Bigs go through a thorough screening process which includes a layered background check completed at the time of initial enrollment and every three years while they are an active Big. 

2.      BBBGC adheres to all applicable federal, state, and local laws regulating the use of criminal records.

3.      A criminal history does not automatically disqualify a potential volunteer from being accepted. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters will be in contact following the receipt of the application with instructions for the Background Check procedure. This includes a Fingerprint Check from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations and a local county criminal check through Sterling Volunteers. 

Confidentiality Policy 

Please read this document in its entirety.

As a potential participant of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Chattanooga (BBBSGC), I understand that I have access to confidential information about volunteers and/or clients and families. I fully understand and accept the responsibilities inherent in my role to maintain the complete confidentiality of all personal information, documents and parties who are engaged in this partnership (collectively, the “Confidential Information”), including myself, BBBSGC and all its affiliates and employees, public figures as well as all children and families that are served by this partnership. The obligation of confidentiality persists indefinitely and it not limited to the period of time beginning with my participation in BBBS and ending at the close of my participation.

In order for BBBSGC to provide responsible and professional services, it is necessary for volunteers, clients and parent/guardians of clients to disclose personal information. BBBSGC respects the confidentiality of client/volunteer information. Confidentiality applies to written records, electronic records, voice, verbal statements, pictures (motion or still) and the use of client/volunteer’s name in agency publications. All records are considered property of the agency, not of agency staff, partner agencies, clients, parent/guardians or volunteers.

I further agree to the following terms:

-        In the event that an actual breach of confidentiality or a release of Confidential Information has occurred or if a situation which I reasonably believe may result in a breach of confidentiality comes to my attention, I agree to immediately notify the designed BBBSGC representative and/or any other appropriate BBBSGC staff members. I understand and agree that I am required to report such breach or threatened breach of confidentiality regardless of whether the breach is caused by my own actions or by the actions of another person.

-        According to the Confidentiality Policy, information from client/volunteer records may only be shared with individuals/organizations as specified:

o   Identifying information regarding a client/volunteer may be used in agency publications or promotional material only if the client/volunteer has given written permission.

o   Information shall be provided to law enforcement or courts only with a valid, enforceable subpoena.

o   Information shall be provided to BBBSGC legal counsel in the event of litigation or potential litigation involving the agency.

o   State law requires that suspected or disclosed child abuse, exploitation or neglect be reported.

o   If agency staff receives information that indicates that a client/volunteer may be dangerous to himself/herself or to others, steps shall be taken to protect the appropriate party, including a report to the law enforcement authorities.

o   When a child/volunteer is considered for a match, information is shared between the prospective parties. The identify of the parties is not revealed until after the parties agree to the match. Each party has the right to refuse the proposed match based on the anonymous information provided. Information shared may include: age, sex, race, religion, education, interests, hobbies, marriage and family status, living situation, sexual orientation, reasons for applying to the program, expectations for match participation, a summary of the reasons an individual was chosen for the match, and all other information deemed relevant. The individuals to whom the information is provided shall agree not to share the information with any other person.

o   Certain outside bodies, including members of the Board of Directors, may have access to client volunteer records for the purposes of program evaluation, audit, accreditation, and/or for purposes of operating and making available approved software, on-line sites and login portals. All such authorized persons and representatives shall enter into a Confidentiality Agreement before receipt of any information from client/volunteer records.

o   Personally identifiable information of students which is obtained from education records provided by any school district or school will only be used or re-disclosed by BBBSGC or its authorized representatives. Such information may not be re-disclosed to any third party (except back to the school district or school) without prior written consent of the school district or school, the parent or eligible student. Such information may not be used for any purpose other than the purpose stated in the agreement with the school district or school pursuant to which the information was obtained, and will only be disclosed to those authorized representatives of BBBSGC who have a legitimate interest in the program pursuant to which the information is provided.

Other that in the instances set forth above, information from client/volunteer records shall not be released unless accompanies by an authorized consent to release information form signed by the client/volunteer. If the client is under the age of 18, the consent to release information form must be signed by the child’s parent/guardian.

Thank you for your careful consideration and willingness to uphold the privacy and confidentiality of those participating in Big Brothers Big Sisters. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Chattanooga (BBBSGC) realizes that many of its volunteers (“Bigs”), staff members, and board members are active on social media networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram). BBBS vets each of these and conducts a public domain search in an effort to ensure that they are positive role models.

It is the policy of Big Brothers Big Sisters that all agency volunteers who engage in the use of social networking, which includes, but is not limited to social media, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc. agree:

1-     To remain a positive role model on all websites that are accessible to the public, recognizing that your Little and their families may be able to view your information.

2-     Use discretion when deciding to follow your Little or their Parent/Guardian on Social Media.

3-     To ensure internet postings respect the privacy and confidentiality of the child and families of BBBS by not disclosing any information that is confidential to BBBS, your Little, their parent/guardian, or any BBBS affiliates. This includes not sharing sensitive information about the Little, including, but not limited to, family situation, behavioral problems, medical diagnosis, etc.

4-    Bigs must only post photos or videos of their Little if the parent/guardian has approved. This information will be included in the Match Information sheet given at the time of Match Introduction.

5-     Bigs are strictly prohibited from posting or sharing any personal or identifying information about a Little through any social media networking site. This includes, but is not limited to, the Little’s last name, home address, school, parent’s place of employment, and any other contact information of the Little or the Little’s parent/guardian. Bigs are also prohibited from posting or sharing any specific information about an upcoming or ongoing outing with their Little on any social media site.

6-    To abide by any other policy or procedure that BBBS may put into effect regarding social media and social networking.

It is not a violation of this policy for a Big to post or share a photograph of the Little or information about a past outing with the Little on his or her social media site so long as (1) the photo of information posted or shared by the Big does not contain any personal or identifying information about the Little, and (2) the Big has not otherwise been instructed not to post or share such photographs of information on his or her social media network. Additionally, if a photograph of a Little is posted on any social media site by the Big, neither the parent nor the Little should be tagged. If a Big has any questions about whether he or she is permitted to post or share a photograph of or any information relating to a Little, he or she should contact their Match Support Specialist.