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PARENT/GUARDIAN INTERVIEW (if possible, without the child present)

  • Introduce yourself, share your pronouns, and ask the parent/guardian theirs. 
  • Before starting the interview, talk to the parent about the interview purpose and process, including flow and areas of content.   
  • Explain that ideally, the parent and the child will be interviewed separately, if both the parent and child feel comfortable.    
  • Share expectations around mandatory reporting of abuse if disclosed by either the parent or the child, including BBBS policy and applicable state law.   
  • Share with the parent that you are going to talk to the child about safety and cover the child safety materials. Show the parent the materials and encourage the parent to review those materials with the child together later.   


“Thank you for your interest in Big Brothers Big Sisters and for taking the time to allow me to get to know you and your child. To get to know you both better I will ask you some questions about your child, including their personality and interests, school, behavior, health, and relationships. I’ll also ask you some questions about you and your family life because we want to find a Big that will not only be a good fit for your child but also will partner and communicate well with you. Then I will switch and speak with your child.  

If at any time you want to take a break or would rather not answer a question, just let me know. We hope you will respond to as many questions as possible, so we can make the best match for your child.  

I’ll be taking notes as we talk just to be sure I don’t forget anything you have shared with me. Because child safety is our number one priority at Big Brothers Big Sisters, I will also talk to your child about personal safety, using this booklet, which I’ll leave here so you and your child can go over it again in more detail later.   

It’s also important for you to know that if you or your child shares detailed information about abuse or maltreatment of any child, regardless of how long ago it may have occurred, please understand that I may have to make a formal report to authorities based on mandatory reporting laws and Big Brothers Big Sisters’ policy. [Share specific state and agency reporting expectations].   

Additionally, our agency respects the confidentiality of all of our program participants, including youth. Certain information that your child may share with us that they ask be kept private will be respected, unless it relates to their or another’s safety. Do you have any questions for me before we get started?”

¿Conoce a alguien que haya estado en el programa? ¿Díganos cuál fue la experiencia?

¿Qué beneficios cree usted que le traerá a su hija(o) al tener una BB/BS?
  • Before starting the interview, agency staff should complete a thorough review of the previous enrollment interview and match support records.  
  • Talk to the parent about the purpose and process of reassessment during reenrollment, including flow and areas of content.  
  • Explain that ideally, you will interview the parent and the child separately, if both the parent and child feel comfortable. 
  • Share expectations around mandatory reporting of abuse if disclosed by either the parent or the child, including BBBS policy and applicable state law.  
  • Share with the parent that you are going to talk to the child about safety and cover the child safety materials. Show the parent the materials and encourage the parent to review those materials with the child together later.  


“Thank you for taking the time to meet with me! Today I’d like to get some information about your child’s previous match and find out how things are going since you initially joined the program. I’ll also want to talk to your child to get their input too. I’d like to talk to you and your child separately if that feels comfortable to both of you.  

Some of the questions we’ll go over today will be the same questions we asked when your child first enrolled in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. This is to help me understand what things have changed since that time and what things have stayed the same. These questions will ask about things like your child’s personality, interests, school, behavior, health, and your family life. This will help us decide together which program and which volunteer will make the best fit for your child. Some of the things we’ll talk about might seem personal and may even be hard to talk about.  If at any time you want to take a break or would rather not answer a question, just let me know. We hope you will respond to as many questions as possible, so we can make the best match for your child. 

I’ll be taking notes as we talk just to be sure I don’t forget anything we talk about. I will also talk to your child again about personal safety, using this booklet, which I’ll leave here so you and your child can go over it again in more detail later.  

It’s also important for you to know that if you or your child share detailed information about abuse or maltreatment of any child, regardless of how long ago it may have occurred, please understand that I may have to make a formal report to authorities based on mandatory reporting laws and Big Brothers Big Sisters’ policy.  

Do you have any questions for me before we get started?” 

Additionally, our agency respects the confidentiality of all of our program participants, including youth. Certain information, such as sexual orientation or gender identity, that your child may share with us that they ask be kept private will be respected, unless it relates to their or another’s safety. Do you have any questions for me before we get started?” 

Muchas Gracias por tomar su tiempo en hablar conmigo hoy. El propósito de esta conversación es para determinar si nuestro programa sigue siendo una buena opción para su familia en este momento. La primera parte seria con usted y la segunda parte seria con su hijo. Nuestra porción será dividida en 3 partes. Primero vamos a hablar del emparejamiento anterior y reflexionar sobre esa relación. Segundo, hablaremos de cambios que hayan pasado con su hijo desde la entrevista inicial. Por último, hablaremos del tipo de persona que usted siente que va a ser el mejor mentor para su hijo. ¿Tiene algunas preguntas?     

¿Porque está interesada en que su hijo sea emparejado de nuevo en nuestro programa?

¿Como describiría usted la relación que su hijo tuvo con su ultimo mentor?

¿Cómo describiría usted su asociación con el mentor anterior?


Describa la personalidad de su hijo(a).

¿En qué cree usted que su hijo/a es bueno?

¿Qué actividades hace su hijo/a en el tiempo libre?

¿Cuándo su hijo/a conocer gente nueva, cuál es su actitud?

¿Qué concejo le daría al BB para que conozca mejor a su hijo/a?

We know that every family is unique and that each child's family is an important part of their life. Because of this, we want to take some time now to understand your child(ren)'s relationship with family members a little better.

¿Como describiría usted la relación con su hijo/a?

¿Cómo disciplina usted a su hijo/a? Por ejemplo – no ver televisión.

¿Quien vive en la casa con ustedes?
Follow-ups to consider asking: 
  • If another adult is in the home (i.e. stepdad, same-sex partner/spouse, grandmother, aunt,  etc.): Do you see that person wanting to be involved with your child's match? If so, how? 
  • Do they have any siblings outside of the home? What is their relationship like with them? 
  • If they have siblings: How old are their siblings and where do they fall in the order?

¿Qué actividades hacen en familia?
If one or more parents are not in the home, ask the following questions:  

¿Con que frecuencia lo ve?

¿Qué tipo de contacto tienen?

We have the following address on file for you. Is this still your current address?




Código postal


¿Cuánto tiempo lleva viviendo en esta casa?

¿Planea mudarse en cualquier momento en el próximo año o dos?

¿Si planean mudarse cuando y en que locación?

¿Cómo es su vecindario por lo general? ¿Hay algunos problemas de seguridad en el área?

¿Cómo es un día típico en la familia? ¿Y en los fines de semana?

¿La familia está involucrada en alguna comunidad donde practiquen la fe?


¿A qué escuela va su hijo/a?

¿Cuánto tiempo lleva la niño/a en este colegio? ¿Si se cambió de colegio hace poco, por qué?

¿Qué calificaciones académicas recibe su hijo/a generalmente?

Describa como es la relación de su hijo/a con otros niños/a.

¿Con que frecuencia diría que su hijo/a falta a la escuela? ¿Y por qué razón? ¿Enfermedad, transporte u otra razón?

Sabe usted si alguna vez se ha escapado de clases? ¿Si es así, como respondió usted y el colegio?

¿Su hijo/a esta involucrado en algunas clases extracurriculares o actividades en la escuela? ¿Si es así, cuáles? ¿Si no, por qué?

¿Cuáles son las ambiciones o expectativas que tiene su hijo/a para su educación? ¿Él/ ella quieren ir a la universidad o prestar servicio militar?
Thank you for sharing with me about your child. Now, I’m going to ask some questions about your child’s physical and emotional health. This is an open space, and I appreciate you answering as many questions as honestly as you can. As a reminder, I am a mandated reporter, which means that I am legally obligated to make a report to Child Protective Services if I hear about suspected abuse or neglect in the course of my work with families.  

¿Su hijo/a tiene algún problema de salud?

Por favor explique

Por favor explique

¿Cómo creería usted que afectaría con las actividades con su voluntario?

¿El niño/a tiene alergia a comidas animales o picaduras de insectos?

¿Hay algunas bebidas o comida que usted no permite que el niño/a consuman

¿Su hijo/a ha estado involucrado con la policía o justicia juvenil?

¿Porque razón?


¿Como se resolvió?

¿Cuantas veces su hijo a esto involucrado con la policía o la justicia juvenil?

Si actualmente sigue involucrado. ¿Hay algún supervisor asignado a su hijo?

¿Tiene su nombre / información de contacto?

¿Su hijo/a tiene hermano/a o amigos que hayan estados involucrados en la justicia juvenil?

¿Su hijo ha vivido o ha sido retirado fuera de su casa bajo su cuidado?

¿Hábleme de algún problema mental o emocional y si ha estado diagnosticado?

¿Su hijo recibe algún medicamento?

¿Cómo cree que esto afectaría a voluntario y las actividades que hagan juntos?

¿Qué consejo le daría voluntario?

¿Usted tiene sabe si su hijo/a ha experimentado algún tipo de abuso emocional, físico o sexual en el pasado?

¿Cuándo ocurrió? ¿Qué edad tenía el niño/a? ¿Quien estuvo involucrado?

¿Ha visto usted comportamientos sexuales o agresivos en su hijo/a?

¿Qué tipo de orientación o ayuda recibió?

¿Cómo cree que esta experiencia haya afectado actualmente a su hijo?

¿Es esto algo que su hijo comentaría o hablaría con su voluntario?

¿Su hijo/a ha sido testigo de algún tipo de violencia doméstica, violencia en el vecindario o cualquier otra experiencia o evento que considere importante en su vida?

¿Su hijo/a ha experimentado algún otro evento traumático?



“We know from our experience that parental involvement leads to more successful and longer term matches for children and youth. The next series of questions are important to help us understand what you hope your child’s match will achieve and so we can discuss the importance of your role in your child’s match relationship.”  

¿Describa el tipo de persona que usted cree que cumpliría las expectativas y los intereses de su hijo/a?

¿Qué le gustaría que ellos hablen? ¿Qué tipo de conversaciones no le gustaría que el/la voluntario tuviera con su hijo/a?

¿Qué cree usted que la voluntaria haría con su hijo/a?


“The following questions are designed to help us make the best, most successful match for you, your child, and a potential volunteer. We do this by exploring your preferences in a match, as well as the preferences of your child and prospective volunteers to ensure that everyone feels comfortable. Big Brothers Big Sisters is an inclusive organization. We welcome and enroll Bigs, Littles and family members of all races, religions, marital status, genders and sexual orientations. We are committed to making sure our programs are inclusive of all youth, families, volunteers, and staff.  The goal of the matching process is to provide high quality, long-lasting mentoring relationships which have the maximum benefits for a child while providing a fulfilling experience for the volunteers.” 
Do you have any concerns or preferences regarding volunteers who: (Explain agency policies as applicable.)  


“We will use a rating scale for the next set of questions. A rating of a 1 means you are very uncomfortable and a rating of a 5 means you are very comfortable.”  
1 2 3 4 5


“We’ve gone over a lot of information today. If we are able to match your child in the program, it is our expectation that you will be able to partner with agency staff and the volunteer to help create the best possible match relationship for your child. Open and regular communication is key to ensuring we are doing all we can to help ensure your child’s safety and well-being.”  

Explain next steps in the matching process, approximate timelines and provide contact information for agency staff should questions arise and ask if there are any further questions.  

Youth Interview (If possible, without the parent/guardian present)

Before you start, open up the Youth Interview Visuals PowerPoint to use as needed. 
Key Points for BSW/SB Programs
  • Each Little is matched with 1 Big 
  • Littles meet with their Big for 2 hours per month, in the location identified by BBBS (School, company, etc.) 
  • Littles meet with their Big on a regular schedule (maybe once per month or every other week, depending on the school) 
  • During Mentoring, they’ll do fun activities and talk with their Big 
Key Points for Level Up Program
  • Each Little is matched with Lead Mentor, who works at the school like a teacher, but is not a teacher  
  • Littles may be in a group with up to 4 other Littles with their Lead Mentor, or one-on-one with their Lead Mentor  
  • Littles meet with their Mentor on a regular schedule once per week 
  • During Mentoring, they’ll do fun activities and talk with their Lead Mentor and other Littles in the group 
  • Littles stay in Mentoring the whole time they’re in middle school 
Ask child for their preferred name and pronouns:

  • Review with the child what an interview is and what to expect from this process.   
  • Talk to the child about what to expect from the interview, including the types of questions you will be asking and that there are no right or wrong responses.   
  • Explain how these answers are used and that it is okay to skip any questions that are difficult to answer.   
  • Share expectations around mandatory reporting of abuse, if disclosed.   
If you haven't already done so, go over the appropriately aged safety booklet and video--links below.

Younger Littles:

Older Littles:


“Today, I’m going to ask you some questions – about the things you like and dislike, school, and your family. These questions will help me get to know you and help me find the best Big for you. I will also ask you some questions about what you want and what you expect from having a Big. There are no right or wrong answers!    

Some of these questions might be hard for you to answer – that’s okay, just do your best.   

I’m going to write while we talk so I don't forget anything we talk about today. Some of your answers might be shared with your Big before they meet you, so they know a little bit about who you are and what you’re like.   

Information you share with me that you ask to be kept private from your parent/guardian will be respected, unless you tell me something that relates to the safety of you or someone else.  

My job is to keep kids safe, so I want you to know that if you share something about you or someone else being hurt or unsafe, I will need to tell someone to help keep you or the other person at risk safe. 

Do you have any questions before we get started?”