CB Match Meeting Documents

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Purpose of the Match Meeting
The match meeting is an exciting and essential step in the Big Brothers Big Sisters journey. It serves as the official introduction between the Big, Little, and the family. This meeting is designed to create a comfortable and welcoming environment where everyone can begin building trust and understanding. It provides an opportunity to discuss interests, set expectations, and start forming the foundation for a meaningful relationship. With the support of your Match Support Specialist, the meeting ensures all parties feel confident and prepared to embark on this mentorship journey.

Contact Information




Emergency Contact

Program Manager
Things to Remember!
  • Have fun! The first few months are focused on getting to know one another.
  • Matches should be meeting weekly or bi-weekly. The average length of an outing is a few hours, but it can be as short as 45 minutes when you are pinched for time.
  • Keep outings simple and low cost; the focus is on the friendship, not spending money. Remember that BBBS can offer ideas for activities, which can help offset the cost of outings. Ask your program support during check in calls! 
  • Consult with the parent/guardian and Program Manager before introducing the Little to a new person. Outings should be mostly one to one, but may occasionally include a friend or family memeber. 
  • Bigs are the only person permitted to drive there Little on outings. 
  • No visits to the Big's home are allowed for the first 3 months of the match. No overnight outings are allowed while actively matched in our program.
  • Communication is KEY! Feel free to reach out in between check-ins with any questions or concerns!

  1. We will spend time together weekly or bi-weekly for at least one year. Outing duration may vary depending on frequency of outings and the activity. Typically, outings will be 2-3 hours long. If for some reason I cannot continue with the match, I promise I will explain the reasons to all involved so that everyone understands and follow BBBSSM match closure guidelines.
  2. Our Program Manager is responsible for knowing that our match is fun and safe. We understand the importance of keeping our Program Manager informed of how our relationship is developing, and we agree to provide ongoing match updates through conversations, emails and surveys. We understand that for our match to continue, we must contact our Program Manager EVERY MONTH to do a match "check-in" update. We will complete the first check-in call within two weeks from today, once the first match outing has taken place. We understand that, for safety reasons, our Program Manager must always be able to reach us and that failure to return messages promptly from BBBSSM staff may result in match closure or suspension.
  3. The Big is always responsible for contacting the parent/guardian to set up outings. The parent/guardian agrees to return all calls and texts. The Big will discuss with the parent/guardian what the intended outing will be, what proper safety measures need to be followed, and if any safety equipment is needed. 
  4. We will respect each other, be on time for outings, and call each other if plans need to be changed. We will keep the parent/guardian informed about where we are going and when we will be home. If we are running late or no one is home at drop off time, Big will contact the parent/guardian. 
  5. We will all encourage both the Big and Little to share in making decisions about activities and outings. Everyone understands and agrees that outings are about spending time, not money, together.
  6. For the first 3 months of your match, visits to the Bigs home are not permitted. After 3 months, permission must be obtained from your Program Manager and agreed upon by all parties for home visits to occur. Home visits should not be routine or regularly scheduled. 
  7. We understand that match outings should be kept on a one to one basis, but may occasionally include a friend or family member of either the Little or Big. It must be agreed upon by all parties and approved by your Program Manager.
  8. No overnights/sleepovers are permitted. Non-compliance to this policy will result in immediate suspension and match closure.
  9. We agree to keep all parties informed of any significant life changes that may affect our match such as moving, a new job, or new phone numbers.
  10. In order to preserve confidentiality, privacy, and safety, we agree to not be "friends", follow on another, or post any information about the other person on social network sites for the first year of the match (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.) because others may have access to this personal information. After one year, permission must be obtained from your Program Manager to friend or follow each other on social media.
  11. At 3 months we will discuss goals for the match that will be talked about at your monthly check in call, this will include Big, Little, and parent/guardian. As we approach our one-year anniversary, we agree to connect with our Program Manager to discuss next steps for the match.
  12. Littles under 12 years old AND who weigh less than 100 pounds are legally required to sit in the back seat of the car. Littles under 8 AND under 80 pounds must use a booster seat. All children, regardless of age, must use a booster seat if under 4'9". 

Page 3

The next few slides will feature activity suggestions, fun icebreaker questions to help you connect, and an overview of our local partnerships offering discounts on activities in the area. Don't worry about taking notes—this information will be emailed to you after the meeting!

1.       Ice Breaker Questions!

2.       Keep a journal or scrapbook of all your outings

3.       Start a hobby together (astronomy, sewing, photography, dance, painting, poetry, etc.)

4.       Play charades, checkers, chess, backgammon, board games, or card games (create your own game!)

5.       Start a collection of something you’re both interested in (stamps, rocks, coins, sea glass)

6.       Walk, train, and play with your dog together

7.       Pop popcorn (the “old fashioned” way, or in the microwave) and watch a movie

8.       Go to the YMCA to swim, play basketball or to learn how to play racquetball or squash

9.       Build a model car, plane, or rocket

10.    Form your own book club (with other matches!) and/or read together

11.    Play on a playground, have a playground tour! 

12.    Go bowling - form a team for BBBS Bowl for Kids’ Sake event! 

13.    Draw, paint, work with clay, or make papier-mache animals or casts of each other

14.    Take a bike ride together (look up local trails)

15.    Research your family trees together - the library and internet are great resources! 

16.    Attend Little’s school play or sporting event to cheer him/her on

17.    Check out the free concerts in your area

18.    Fly a kite at the park - for an extra challenge, make your own kites! 

19.    Visit an area firehouse or police station to go on a tour

20.    Attend a BBBS Match Activity

21.    Feed birds or go to a park and feed the ducks

22.    Go roller skating, rollerblading or ice skating

23.    Have a TV show you both watch every week, then chat about it

24.    Do a science project together (find out what happens to an egg soaked in vinegar!)

25.    Take a free, kid-friendly, class at your local Home Depot or Lowes

26.    Go to local fairs, festivals, events - check the newspaper/online (first Friday art walks in Portland!)

27.    Watch a parade on a holiday

28.    Go horseback riding

29.    Go to a local sports team game (Mariners, Sea Dogs, Maine Red Claws) or college (USM, UNE)

30.    Check into local history (Greater Portland Landmarks is a great resource)

31.    Take a walk or go for a hike (bring a memento bag to collect interesting objects along the way)

32.    Make a meal from scratch - find recipes online or in a cookbook.  Make your own recipe book!

33.    Help your Little with homework or a school project

34.    Write a letter to your Little on your match anniversary about what you’ve noticed about them in the last year (positive changes, growth, maturity)

35.    Take your Little to your place of employment

36.    Take a nature walk.

37.    Make your own cards:  holidays, birthdays, other special occasions for friends/relatives

38.    Trim the hedges, mow the lawn, rake the leaves, and do other yard work together

39.    Build a bird house or feeder, or paint one (inexpensive at craft stores)

40.    Visit a local state park or beach

41.    Write and send letters in the mail to each other, or find international pen pals

42.    Do a DIY (do it yourself) home project- sew curtains, paint a table a new color

43.    Plant seeds to grow a plant or start a garden - indoors or outside

44.    Carve a pumpkin together - don’t forget to roast the seeds! 

45.    Make a log cabin, picture frame, or anything you can think of out of popsicle sticks

46.    Try a new restaurant together (check with BBBS if we have any coupons!)

47.    Go see a movie (Smitty’s Cinemas have food, and Little gets to go for free when a Big buys a ticket!)

48.    Teach him/her how to change the oil in a car, or other handy skills you may have

49.    Complete a jigsaw puzzle

50.    Volunteer at a community center, food pantry, or humane society

51.    Make up new lyrics to a song - maybe even about your match

52.    Go to an auto show, boat show, or truck pull

53.    Make your own t-shirts: use fabric markers, iron-on letters or tie-dye

54.    Enjoy cloud watching, boat watching, or bird watching on a nice day

55.    Go swimming or even play with the water hose or sprinkler in the backyard

56.    Volunteer to help build a house for Habitat for Humanity, or deliver food for Meals on Wheels

57.    Make friendship bracelets (or any kind of jewelry!)

58.    Play Frisbee, catch, basketball, volleyball, tag, touch football, croquet, etc.

59.    Make paper airplanes and gliders

60.    Make origami – try using BIG pieces of paper!

61.    Go caroling during the holiday season

62.    Go apple or strawberry picking, and make a treat

63.    Visit a local museum - there are plenty to choose from! 

64.    Write a newsletter together to send to your friends and relatives

65.    Go kayaking or canoeing

66.    Play golf or putt-putt, or hit golf balls at a driving range

67.    Make wrapping paper from old magazines and newspaper

68.         Show your Little how to maintain a bike - replace chain, repair brakes, etc. 

69.    Make an obstacle course in your yard and time each other

70.    Make your own candles

71.    Go to an arcade and play games

72.    Have a lemonade stand

73.    Use sidewalk chalk to draw pictures or play four square

74.    Let your Little drive… at a go-cart track! 

75.    Look through coupon books deals for your favorite activities or restaurants

76.    Enter a contest together (art, photo, designing a poster)

77.    Eat lunch with your Little at their school

78.    Explore and get to know your local area by looking at city and town websites

79.    Go on a sound scavenger hunt with a tape recorder

80.    Go geocaching (look up geocaching in Maine online)

81.    Bake a cake, cookies, or brownies or make candy - make sure to share!

82.    Visit your favorite place or your Little’s favorite place together

83.    Have a picnic in the park or at the beach

84.    Make a collage using pictures and words from old magazines and newspapers

85.    Visit a local farm (we love Smiling Hill Farm in Westbrook!)

86.    Have your Little teach you something you don’t know or have never tried

87.    Plan for a money earning project and save money for a special event

88.    Write a story together

89.    Organize a bake sale or a yard sale (donate the money you make to a local charity!)

90.    Learn how to knit or crochet

91.    Listen to and share music together

92.    If Little is a teenager, practice completing job and college applications or work on their resume

93.    Show your Little your high school yearbook, baby pictures, old report cards, etc. 

94.    Go sledding or build a snow fort

95.    Do each other’s nails or hair

96.    Go on a camera scavenger hunt – make a list of what you want to take pictures of

97.    Sing karaoke!

98.    Call Match Support to share a fun activities or ideas, and send us photos of the fun you’re having together!

99.    Hang out with your Match Support Person!  We love having visitors and seeing what you’re up to

100.  Make a to-do list of other ideas you’re interested in, or goals you hope to accomplish together!

Activity Interest Sheet

Page 6

50 questions to break the ice!

1.       Tell me the 5 best things about you.

2.       If you could have one of the following superpowers, which would you pick?

a.       The ability to fly

b.       Super strength

c.       Invisibility

3.       If you were trapped on a deserted island and could pick one famous person to be with, who would it be?

4.       If you could tell your parent/guardian to never serve two vegetables again, which would you choose?

5.       Who do you think your parent/guardian would prefer you to become:

a.       An NBA player

b.       The mayor

c.       A famous explorer

d.       A movie star

6.       If a genie could grant you 3 wishes, what would they be?

7.       What profession do you want to be in when you are older?

8.       Who was the best teacher you ever had? Why?

9.       What would the ideal teacher be like?

10.   What college would you like to attend?

11.   Ice cream sundae or banana split?

12.   If you are feeling sad, what meal would be the one that would cheer you up?

13.   Do you ever have a dream that comes back over and over again? Tell me about it.

14.   Which would you choose:

a.       Dinner with everyone at the table and the TV showing your favorite movie.

b.       Dinner in which everybody took what they wanted from the fridge and non one had the same thing.

c.       Dinner with the whole family and no TV on.

15.   Would you rather:        

a.       Be a genius

b.       Be famous

16.   Are you afraid to fly?

17.   Tell me who you think are the 3 greatest musicians in the world.

18.   If you change 3 things about your life, what would they be?

19.   If you could make your room anyway you wanted, what would it look like?

20.   What are the qualities that make a good friend?

21.   What was your favorite toy when you were little?

22.   What do you say to comfort yourself when something scares you?

23.   If you paid the bill at a restaurant and the waiter gave you too much change, would you tell them?

24.   What do you think are the characteristics of a good teacher?

25.   Name 3 movie stars you most admire.

26.   Have you ever imitated something you saw in a movie? What was it?

27.   Name a TV or movie star you think is lame.

28.   Do you think it’s important to get physical education in school? Why or why not?

29.   What is your favorite thing to do with your family?

30.   What do you think is beyond the stars?

31.   What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?

32.   Name 2 things you would like for us to do together.

33.   What sport (that you’ve never played) do you think you would be good at?

34.   If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

35.   If you were going to have an unusual pet, what would it be?

36.   What have you done that you are most proud of?

37.   Tell me about the most beautiful place you have ever visited.

38.   What kinds of things on movies and TV make you laugh?

39.   Tell me about your favorite movie of all time.

40.   What is the grossest thing you can think of?

41.   Who is the funniest relative in your family?

42.   What are the first 3 things you would do if you were president?

43.   What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

44.   If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?

45.   What is the nicest thing you’ve ever done for another person?

46.   If you could 1 million to a particular charity, which would you pick?

47.   If you could be the cast member on any TV show, what would you pick?

48.   Tell me 3 things you remember from Kindergarten.

49.   Would you rather:

a.       Score 50 points and lose

b.       Score 10 points and win

50.   What are you most looking forward to about our match?

Membership Opportunities!


BBBSSM and Level All
Level All

Littles under 12 years old AND who weigh less than 100 pounds are legally required to sit in the back seat of the car.  Littles under 8 AND under 80 lbs. must use a booster seat.  All children, regardless of age, must use a booster seat if under 4’9’’.