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Contact Information
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How did you hear about Big Brothers Big Sisters?
How would you like to support our mission?
Please select what interests you from the list below:
Donate tickets or items
Lead a match activity
Join an events committee
Join the Board of Directors
Volunteer at an event
Get your company involved
Volunteer at the office
Be a BIG Ambassador (recruit volunteers)
What tickets or items do you have to donate?
What activities are you interested in leading or teaching?
What interests you in serving on one of our events committees? What specific skills or perspective would you bring to the committee (i.e. event-planning experience, social connections, marketing)?
What interests you in becoming a member of our Board? What unique skills or perspective would you bring to the position (i.e. voice of specific diversity group, connections at local schools or legislature, experience with funds-development)?
What specific skills should we know about when finding a volunteer position for you (i.e. proficient with computers, prefer hands-on work, am an artist, organizer extraordinaire)?
What company or group do you belong to?
What professional skills do you have in an office setting (i.e. proficiency with Microsoft products, organizational skills, marketing, graphic design, administrative work, answering phones)?
What other kind of volunteering are you interested in?
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Contact Information