Guidelines & Ground Rules for BBBS SLMR

These guidelines are set forth to assure that the Parents/Guardians and Volunteer Bigs are aware of the policies BBBS has put in place to assure that the children in our programs are safe. We have indicated which rules generally apply to which type of match. CB stands for Community-Based and SB stands for Site-Based. You will see CB or SB after each rule which will indicate which type of match this primarily applies to.

If these policies are violated by any party in the match, BBBS SLMR should be notified immediately. 

(1) General Child Safety Policies 

a. Little will not visit Big’s home for the first 3 months of the match relationship. (CB)

After the match relationship has reached 3 months, matches must discuss a home visit with their  assigned Match Support Specialist. After the initial visit to Big’s home, each visit after needs to be  discussed with and approved by the parent. Home Visit Consent form must be completed.

b. Overnight outings are not allowed unless it is vital to a child's development. (CB)

c. Outings such as kayaking, canoeing, boating, or any activity that exposes Little to a higher risk of injury outside of "normal" activity must have prior approval from agency. Both Parent/Guardian and Volunteer must sign the Accident Waiver and Release of Liability form.   


d. All Match participants must follow the BBBS Social Media policy. (CB,SB) 

e. All Match participants are prohibited from the use of Alcohol and Illicit Drugs during outings. Tobacco  use by the Volunteer Big may be permitted with permission of the parent/guardian. (CB,SB)

f. Weapons, firearms and ammunition will be made inaccessible at all times to a child while he or she is in  the Volunteer’s care, unless participating in specific, approved activity(ies), which the parent/guardian  and Volunteer Big have approved in advance and such approval is documented in the match file.  (CB,SB)

g. Any and all suspected child abuse will be reported to child protection authorities in accordance with  state law.  (CB,SB)

h. Volunteers and Parent/Guardians must complete required online training. In addition, volunteers will  complete an in person or virtual Pre-Match Training. (CB,SB)

i. **All information is considered confidential** (CB,SB)

(2) Transportation (CB) 

a. Seatbelts will be worn by all program participants. Children must sit in the backseat of the car until they  are 13 years old.


b. Volunteer Bigs may only transport the child with whom they are matched. If the Volunteer Big chooses to  transport other people during an outing, the volunteer assumes all liability and financial responsibility. 


c. Only BBBS approved Volunteer Bigs and/or staff members may transport a child involved in the BBBS  program. 

(3) Medical Procedures (CB)

a. All Parent/Guardians of Littles must sign a medical consent form allowing BBBS and the Volunteer Big to  seek medical care in an emergency situation. 


b. BBBS staff and Volunteer Bigs are not permitted to administer any medication to children in the program. (CB,SB)

c. In case of a medical accident or incident, Volunteer Big and Parent/Guardian should immediately notify  BBBS. (CB,SB)

(4) Communication 

a. Parents/Guardians should be informed and approve of all match activities. (CB)

b. In Community-Based programs there should be open communication between all match parties (Parent, child and volunteer) and  agency staff (children should never be asked to keep a secret). In Site-Based programs, volunteers do not have communication with child's parents. In the case of Site-Based Matches, communication is between agency staff, child, volunteer and school/community center.

c. Respect for all match parties should be demonstrated at all times. (CB,SB) 

d. All match parties must sign and agree to abide by the social media policy of BBBS. (CB,SB)

e. Match Support Contact: Match parties must complete monthly Match Support Contact with BBBS if  matched under one year. Match parties must complete Match Support Contact with BBBS every 3  months if match continues past the first year. This can be done in person or over the phone. For matches  that have been established for over 6 months, electronic Match Support Contact is acceptable with Parent/Guardians and Volunteer Bigs if the  match is not struggling and there are no safety concerns. Electronic Match Support Contact must  demonstrate a 2-way dialog between BBBS and match participant. (CB,SB) 

(5) Limit Setting through Positive Reinforcement (CB,SB) 

a. Positive limit setting strategies based on the age of the child and any developmental concerns (i.e. ADHD,  Special Needs, etc.) should be followed by the Volunteer Bigs. 

b. Corporal punishment, verbally and/or emotionally abusive means of discipline, by Volunteer Bigs is strictly prohibited.  

(6) Involvement with the Child and The Child’s Family 

a. Any gift buying should be approved in advance by the parent/guardian with agency staff notified when a  gift of an excessive nature is given to a child. Gift buying should be limited to special occasions. (CB,SB)

b. Big are not allowed to provide any monetary donation to the Little’s family. Exceptions can be made  with prior approval of agency staff. (CB,SB) 

c. Matches should not get together more than once a week during the first year of the match. (CB)

d. Other children (friends or family members of the Little) should not be included in the outings between  the Big and Little. Children of the Big should only be included occasionally on outings and the Big and  Little must still have one-on-one time together. (CB)

e. The Little should not be left alone with any adult or child other than the Big at any time during the  outing. (CB)

(7) Respect for Privacy and Personal Boundaries 


Children have the right to feel safe at all times. Appropriate and positive interactions between Bigs and Littles  are essential in supporting positive youth development and making youth feel valued. Our ground rules  surrounding adult and child interactions support strategies that help children establish a clear set of personal  safety boundaries promoting skill-building that may prevent the child from becoming the victim of violence  and/or exploitation (bullying, child sexual abuse, internet exploitation, dating violence, etc.) and/or encourage  a child to disclose abuse or victimization.  

a. Volunteers Bigs should always seek permission from the child before any physical contact (Is it ok if I give  you a hug?). (CB,SB)

b. Physical contact between the Volunteer Big and Little that includes tickling, wrestling, pinching, backrubs,  or asking a child to sit on an adult’s lap is strictly prohibited. These types of contact are likely to violate a  child’s personal boundaries. (CB,SB)

c. Display or discussion of any materials of a sexual nature is strictly prohibited. (CB,SB)

d. Volunteer Bigs must be able to provide separate, private areas for a child to: change clothes, bathe,  shower. (CB)

e. Volunteer Bigs should never sleep or nap with a child. (CB,SB)

f. Volunteer Bigs should never come between a parent and their child; Volunteer Bigs need to respect a  parent’s role and authority. (CB,SB) 

Failure to follow all stated policies will lead to MATCH CLOSURE.