Social Networking Guidelines
Big Brothers Big Sisters recognizes that online social networking (Facebook, My Space, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, etc.) is very popular communications tool and that many of our Big Brothers/Sisters and Little Brothers/Sisters use these web-sites. In general, personal use of social networking sites is typically for communications between peers, including friends and family. BBBS wants to reiterate that your relationship with your Little is that of a mentor in addition to a friend. Not all social networking sites are designed to support mentoring relationships. Please proceed thoughtfully when inviting or accepting an invitation from your Little to a social networking site. If you have any doubts, please contact your BBBS staff/ School Based Coordinator and/or postpone your invitation or acceptance. If you do choose to participate in a social networking site with your Little, you must adhere to the following guidelines regarding any postings related to match or affiliation with BBBS:
· Do not participate in any online communication with/about your Little unless you have discussed this with the parent/guardian or BBBS staff/School Based Coordinator and have received their approval.
· Give the parent/guardian and BBBS your website address, and when possible ink your page to the BBBS page on that site so that we can follow along with your postings. We are active on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
· Never post any pictures of your Little online unless you have the written consent of the child’s parent/guardian. That consent form should be filed with BBBS.
· Never post the last name of your Little, his/her parent/guardian or BBBS staff.
· Never post any contact information for your Little.
· Never post any identifying information about child’s home address, school the child attends, where the parent works, etc).
· Never post anything that could be perceived as judgmental or offensive to your Little or his/her parent/guardian.
· Make sure that your page settings are set to private, so that only people you approve can view your online content. Ensure that BBBS and the parent/guardian are approved if you plan to post content related to your match.
· Honor confidentiality guidelines within your match; be cautious when posting detailed information about conversations with your Little, their parent/guardian or with BBBS staff. Posting generalized information or status updates is typically appropriate, but lengthier postings or blogs containing in-depth information should be approved by the parent/guardian and by BBBS prior to posting.
· Be aware of other postings on your page that are not BBBS related or are inappropriate for minors. Know that as a BBBS volunteer you are a role model at all times. Please ensure that all contents are appropriate and kid-friendly, in case your Little or his/her family were to read your social networking page. If the social networking site allows, create a separate group for your Little, his/her parent/guardian and BBBS staff that limits your Little’s access to your general or universal postings.
· When in doubt about whether or not something is appropriate to post, consult with your Match Support Coordinator prior to posting.
Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the termination of your match.