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Guardian-Youth Inquiry Form

Non-Discrimination Policy
Our participants come to us with a wide range of personal characteristics. We believe that participant eligibility shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability. 
BBBS Information

Community Based Mentoring: Each volunteer (Big) is matched with one child (Little) between the ages of 7 and 14. On a schedule that works for the child and the Big, they get to spend quality time with each other sharing local culture, exploring new educational opportunities, developing new skills and hobbies.  


Community Based Littles are… 

  • At least 7 years old  
  • On outings 2-4 times per month, on your own schedule, for one year 
  • Picked up and drop off by their their Big from the their home via their own vehicle, rideshare, or public transit


Site Based Mentoring: Each volunteer (Big) is matched with one child (Little) from a partner school or community organization. Bigs and Littles meet at a designated site with other matches. Each program is led by a professional BBBS staff member and includes time for relationship building, a structured group activity and free time to share stories and interests together. 


Site Based Littles are… 

  • At least 7 years old  
  • At scheduled sessions 2-4 times per month for 1-1.5 hours, for a minimum of one year 

Referral Information

Estoy enteresado en:

Parent/Guardian Information

Youth Information

Home Address (Dirección)

Additional Questions

Clicking 'Submit' below indicates that you are interested in enrolling your child(ren) into one of our mentoring programs. Please be aware that this is not an application. You will be required to submit a full application at a later time.