"Big for a Day" School Partner Event Details
Thank you for agreeing to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters and host a "Big for a Day" Power Lunch!
Please complete the following information at least 4 weeks prior to the scheduled Big for a Day event at your school.
Contact Jay Justin (jjustin@bbbs-mv.org, 563-323-8006) if you have any questions completing this information.
School Name
School Principal
School Principal email address
Primary Event Contact
Primary Event Contact email address
Scheduled Date of Big for a Day event
*Typically this will be a Tuesday or Thursday.
Grade Level(s) participating
Lunch/recess timeframe for grade(s) participating
*BBBS staff will arrive about 40 minutes prior to lunch/recess. Volunteers will arrive about 20 minutes prior to lunch/recess
Building space/classroom to be used:
*Adequate space for 15 adults and 15 students to eat lunch and play board games together.
Contact Information