BBBS/BB Volunteer Application

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Along with this application, you will need to submit a copy of your driver's license and proof of auto insurance if you plan to transport a child within the community-based program.
Commitment & Communication Policy
Community-Based Program Requirements:
  • We ask for a 1-year commitment from the time you are matched.
  • As a Big, you will meet with your Little weekly or biweekly, depending on volunteer’s and family’s schedules. 
  • For the first year of the match, support contacts with volunteer, child, and parent/guardian will follow a monthly cycle, moving to every three months after the one-year anniversary of the match. The contact may take place by phone, email, text or in person.

School- and Site-Based Program Requirements:
  • We ask for a 1-year commitment from the time you are matched.
  • As a Big, you will meet with your Little weekly at school or at a designated site (e.g. Bowdoin College). 
  • For the first year of the match, support contacts with the Big and Little will follow a monthly cycle, moving to every three months after the one-year anniversary of the match. The contact may take place by phone, email, text or in person.
Program Preference
You and your Little meet two to four times a month when and where it's convenient for both of you. Movies, crafts, hiking, or just hanging out – it's up to you and your Little.

You and your Little meet at the same time and location each week for approximately one hour. You might share a lunch hour, work on a project, or just have good conversation! 

Non-Discrimination Policy
 Our participants come to us with a wide range of personal characteristics. We believe that participant eligibility shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability. 
Hidden Fields

Basic Information

input NA if none

To select multiple, hold CTRL/CMD and click.

Possession of a driver’s license is required if you will be transporting a program youth in any vehicle you are operating.

File can be a screenshot, PDF, or picture

File can be a screenshot, PDF, or picture
Contact Information

Employer Information

If unemployed please use N/A

Additional Information

References and Background Check

Previous Experience

Volunteer Experience

Please provide at least three references below including:
  • Your spouse or domestic partner OR a family member if you do not have a spouse, partner, or significant other.
  • Current or former employee or co-worker you have known for at least one year or someone from your school if you are a student. If you do not have a professional reference, use this space for another personal reference.
  • A friend or neighbor you have known for at least two years
Spousal/Familial Reference

Professional Reference

Minimum 1 year
Personal Reference

Minimum 2 years
I consent to and understand that:
  1. The references and youth-serving organization(s) I listed may be contacted by mail, telephone, email, or in person;
  2. The information I provided may be used to conduct a background check, to include a search of public domain records, driving records check, juvenile and adult criminal history check (see attached authorization), military records, and other records where required by local, state, or federal law for volunteers working with youth;
  3. I am in no way obligated to perform any volunteer services;
  4. The BBBS agency is not obligated to match me with a youth and may deny my application or close my match at any time, and to protect all participants’ confidentiality, BBBS is not required to disclose reasons for doing so; 
  5. Other BBBS agencies and youth organizations where I have worked or volunteered may be contacted as references;
  6. As part of the enrollment processes, I will be required to provide additional personal information, including completion of an in-person interview;
  7. I understand that the information I provide in the enrollment process will be kept confidential, unless disclosure is required by law.  
  8. I understand that detailed accounts of child abuse or neglect, past or present, will be reported to proper authorities;
  9. I understand that certain relevant information about me will be discussed with the parent/guardian of a child who is a prospective match (this might include demographic information, information relevant to parent/child preferences, and any information relevant to a child’s safety or well-being);  
  10. It is my responsibility to update the agency if any of the information I provide on this application, in my interview, or any other information provided during the enrollment process changes (i.e. address, phone number, auto-insurance, new criminal charges, etc.)
  11. I agree to complete questionnaires throughout my time in the program to evaluate and improve program services;
  12. I agree to timely communication and follow-up with all agency staff as required by the agency.

Pre-Interview Questionnaire

Prior to your in-person interview, please answer the questions below. The information you provide will also help us make a better match for you and assure we can support you during your involvement with our program. Please note that you will have an opportunity to discuss these questions and your responses more thoroughly during your in-person interview.  

Agency Weapons Policy

Any Big who owns firearms or weapons (such as hunting knives, etc.) must lock them away or install trigger locks whenever a Little is present. Ammunition must be stored separately and inaccessible to the Little.

Bigs must disclose any firearms and/or weapons ownership to Agency staff at enrollment and throughout the life of the match. Agency staff must disclose firearm and/or weapons ownership to the child's parent/guardian.

Firearms may be used during the match outings only when:

– The Little has completed a gun safety course or equivalent and provided documentation to the Agency staff, to be kept on file.

– The parent/guardian approves of their child engaging in an activity that involves a firearm or weapon. Agency Staff must be notified of the planned activity and parental consent in advance, and a signed consent form will be kept on file.

– The firearm is transported to and from any activity in compliance with state and federal laws and in a manner which the Little cannot gain access to the firearms.

The Big closely supervises their Little any time the youth is handling a firearm. 
Both eh Big and Little will observe all safety 
precautions during the activity.

Please provide the name, age, and relationship to you for anyone else residing in your home.

Confidentiality Policies

Confidentiality Policy Summary


In order for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bath/Brunswick to provide a responsible and professional service it is necessary for clients, parents/guardians, and volunteers to share personal information about themselves and their families. BBBS keeps this information confidential, with special exceptions listed below. In all cases, any information will be shared only among the agency’s professional staff. The right to confidentiality includes written records, video, film, pictures and use of the client’s or volunteer’s name in agency publication or displays.

Limits of Confidentiality

1. Information will be released to other individuals or organizations only after a “Consent to Release Information” form is signed by the volunteer, client or client’s guardian. Written consent will not be necessary in emergency situations, situations that are reportable by law (such as abuse or neglect situations), or in court cases demanding information through subpoenas or court orders.

2. Information identifying clients and volunteers may be used in agency publications or promotional materials only after the individuals have given their written permission.

3. Case records may be made available to the Board of Directors and/or Big Brothers Big Sisters of America for purposes of program evaluation, audit, or accreditation.

4. Maine State Law requires that suspected abuse, neglect or abandonment of any child be reported to the Department of Health and Human Services. All personnel, including paid professional staff and volunteers, are required to notify the appropriate supervisor immediately if abuse or neglect is suspected.

5. If any agency worker receives information indicating that a client or volunteer was dangerous to themselves or others, necessary steps shall be taken to protect the appropriate party. This may include a medical referral or a report to the local law enforcement authorities.

6. The nature of services provided by BBBS requires that confidential information about potential Bigs or Littles be shared between client, guardian, and volunteer prior to a match meeting. The information revealed is provided as a profile and includes only information which is relevant to the individual’s present circumstances and behavior. No identifying facts (name, address, etc.) are shared until all parties' consent to the match. The only exception to this is when the caseworker suspects the proposed match parties may already know each other; in this case it would be necessary to exchange names first. Then, if there are no objections to the match, profile information will be shared.

Permission to Participate in Media & Publicity Efforts: 

Application Acknowledgement

I understand that this is an application for a volunteer opportunity and is not a promise or commitment by Big Brothers Big Sisters.

I certify that all information I have provided or will provide to Big Brothers Big Sisters, including this application, is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained in my application will be verified by Big Brothers Big Sisters. I understand that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant or my termination as a volunteer.

At any time while involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, I agree to immediately inform my Big Brothers Big Sisters contact person of any and all infractions, violations, charges, and convictions related to any civil, domestic, or criminal matters.  I understand that BBBS staff needs to be fully informed to provide the best guidance or support possible.  

**Before clicking Review and Sign, please save your progress and re-open your response via email, or the application could be lost.**