BBBS Volunteer Application

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Non-Discrimination Policy

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana follows a non-discrimination policy that prohibits exclusion of potential volunteer Bigs, youth, parents/guardians, board members, or agency staff on the basis of race, color, religion, age, pregnancy, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other protected class.

If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact:

Joanna Ramon-Verde

(317) 472-3745

Basic Information

Contact Information

Driver's License and Auto-insurance

Employer Information

Previous Experience

DCS Involvement

References and Background Check

References are a National requirement for all applicants. Below you will see the individual references required to complete your application. Individuals noted below will be contacted via email and/or phone upon receipt of this information. We do ask for your assistance in notifying your identified references and encouraging completion of our reference form within one week.
Spousal/Familial Reference                                                                                           A reference from a Spouse/Spousal Equivalent or Significant Other is required. We do ask for a "Spousal" reference if you have been in a romantic relationship for 6+ months. If you are not in a relationship, you may provide a family member instead. IF YOU ARE APPLYING TO BECOME A BIG COUPLE, please provide a family member and NOT the spouse you are applying with. This person will be contacted by email or phone call.

Big Couple/Friend Info

Joint Reference                                                                                                            Please provide an individual who can speak on behalf of you and your partner or friend that you are applying with (friend, neighbor, community contact, etc.). This person should be the same for both of your applications. This person will be contacted by email or phone call.

Professional Reference                                                                                                          Examples: Co-worker, Supervisor, Teacher/Professor, etc. Only 1 professional reference is required. This person will be contacted by email.

Personal Reference                                                                                              Examples: Friend, Neighbor, Roommate, etc.                                                                                         Your personal reference should not be a family member. Only 1 personal reference is required. This person will be contacted by email.

Volunteer Experience

I understand that to be considered as a Big I must comply with the following:
  • I am 19+ years of age
  • I am able to meet with a child 2-4 times a month (minimum of 4 hours/month) for one year.
  • I have a valid I.D. (driver's license/state I.D.).
  • I have reliable transportation, with valid auto insurance. I will disclose any  license suspension(s). (If a volunteer has a significant history of driving record offenses, it will be at the discretion of the Chief Program Officer if the applicant is accepted).
  • I have been free of alcohol and drug abuse/dependency for at least 3 years, and I have not used illegal drugs or controlled substances in the past 3 years.
  • I do not have a criminal record involving a violent crime.  I do not have a criminal record within the past 3 years.
  • I am willing to disclose medical and mental health history that would affect my ability to mentor a child.
  • I will attend an interview with a BBBSCI Specialist.
  • I will give consent for BBBSCI to complete a fingerprint, background, sex offender and driving record check. *
  • I will submit 3+ personal references. I understand all references will be contacted by a BBBSCI staff member via email or telephone.
  • I will attend the required training sessions assigned to me.
  • Our enrollment process is designed to result in long-strong, and healthy match relationships. For a variety of reasons, we may not feel our BBBSCI program is the best fit for an applicant. An applicant may be notified at any point during their involvement with the BBBSCI program. Reasons for non-acceptance will not be disclosed.

Release of Information Authorization for Background Check

By signing below, I, hereby voluntarily authorize Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana to obtain either a consumer or an investigative consumer report about me from Safe Hiring Solutions Inc. and to consider this information when making decisions regarding my application for and/or continued employment, contract for services or volunteer services at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana. This report may be delivered in either written or electronic form.
  • I hereby authorize Safe Hiring Solutions Inc. or another approved provider, on behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, to procure a social security number verification, criminal background report, sex offender registry report and driving record check. This report may be compiled with information from courts record repositories, departments of motor vehicles, and any other source required verifying information that I have voluntarily supplied. And/or
  • I hereby authorize The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, on behalf of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Indiana, to procure a criminal background check. This report may be compiled with information from courts records repositories, and any other sources required.

Final Steps!

**Once you click Submit, you will be directed to complete your required background check (MVR and Sex Offender Registry).