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Non-Community Based


Non-Discrimination Policy

All BBBS participants, including youth, families, volunteers, board and staff serving as volunteer Bigs are not excluded on the basis or race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, color, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, citizenship status, veteran status, or disability.

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Basic Information

Full Legal Name

input NA if none

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Contact Information

Enter numbers only starting with area code

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Employer Information

Additional Information


Previous Experience
Please Note: Having volunteer work experience with youth is not required. Many of our volunteers have limited or no prior experience in this area.

Volunteer Experience

If you can provide name and contact information for a supervisor of this volunteer work that is preferred.

Both phone number and email are preferred, but at least one is required.

Please provide at least three references below including:
  • Your spouse or domestic partner OR a family member if you do not have a spouse, partner, or significant other.
  • Your current supervisor/manager. For students who are not employed, please provide your academic advisor or a teacher/professor.
  • A friend or neighbor you have known for at least two years
Spousal/Familial Reference

Professional Reference

Minimum 1 year
Personal Reference

Minimum 2 years

Pre-Interview Questionnaire

Prior to your one-one meeting with staff, please answer the questions below. The information you provide will also help us make a better match for you and assure we can support you during your involvement with our program. Please note that you will have an opportunity to discuss these questions and your responses more thoroughly during your meeting.  

Confidentiality & Obligation Release



The Big Brothers Big Sisters agency respects the confidentiality of volunteer records and shares this information only among agency professional staff, except where legally required.  State law mandates that suspected child abuse be reported to the appropriate authorities. 


I understand that:


  • The information I provide may be used to conduct a background check including driving records, criminal history, and other records where required by local, state, or federal law for volunteers working with youth. 
  • My criminal records check results will be shared with BBBS partners, if that site requires a criminal history search for participation at that location.
  • The references I have given may be contacted by mail, telephone, or email.
  • My identifying information will be shared with site partners for the purposes of recognition, if I participate in a site based program.  Information will be released to other individuals and organizations only upon presentation of an authorized “consent to release information” form signed by me.
  • All records are considered property of the agency.
  • For purposes of program evaluation, audit, or accreditation, certain bodies such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America may have access to volunteer records.
  • Information about potential volunteers that may be shared with the youth and guardian will include the volunteer’s age, gender, race/ethnicity, religious affiliation, interests and hobbies, contact information, family and living situation, experience with children, medical/mental health status, sexual orientation, criminal background, substance use, reason for involvement, input from collateral contacts (references, mental health professionals, agency staff), and an overall summary of why the volunteer was chosen for the match.
  • Information about the potential Little that may be shared with the volunteer will include the same categories as volunteers, along with a summary of needs, expectations for match participation, and anticipated challenges the volunteer may encounter.
  • I will NOT discuss additional information that I may encounter about any child, child’s family, volunteer, or volunteer’s family connected with the agency without permission of agency staff.



Obligation Release


I understand that:

  • I am in no way obligated to perform volunteer services and the agency is not obligated to match me with a youth.
  • As long as I am an active volunteer, Big Brothers Big Sisters will access my criminal record history every three years in order to remain in compliance with the agency’s general liability insurance policies.  I will report any traffic violations or arrests immediately to agency staff.
  • I am responsible for ensuring that my Little is transported only in an insured vehicle under which I am insured during match activities (Community programs only).
  • It is the agency’s responsibility to protect the confidentiality of reference responses and clinical reports by not disclosing their content to a volunteer applicant.  Therefore the agency will not disclose the reason for non-acceptance to the volunteer. Those who are not accepted into our program will be notified by letter.
  • Volunteers must sign this statement in order to participate in the program.


I give my authorization for the above and release and waive my liability against the organization and its staff.

Social Media Policy & Guidelines

Online Media and Social Networking

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana recognizes and appreciates the role of online media and social networking in today’s society.   

  • School Based/School to Work Matches: in our non-Community programs, engagement with Littles, Scholars, and their Guardians via social media is NOT permitted.

Publication Consent/Media Release

I irrevocably consent to any and all uses and displays of my name, image, likeness, appearance, and basic biographical information in, on, or in connection with any advertising, publicity, marketing, or printed or electronic media, of any type, throughout the world at any time by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana and any of their affiliates, successors, partners, sponsors, donors, and any entities or persons with whom they conduct any public relations, marketing, or fund raising of any type, without further consent from me or without any royalty, payment, or other compensation to me, without any royalty, payment, or other compensation to me, and with the release and waiver of any claims, actions, damages, losses, costs, expenses and liability of any kind arising from any such use.

Revised 02/2024

Firearms & Weapons Policy

While some adults possess weapons for hunting and/or protection purposes, it is the policy of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana (BBBSKY) that all agency volunteers agree: 


1.        To inform BBBSKY of the ownership of weapons or the presence of weapons in the home, automobile, etc. BBBS staff will discuss the ownership of weapons during the volunteer’s interview, and update that status for the life of the matchFor purposes of this policy, “weapons” includes, but is not limited to, all firearms, handguns, cross bows, zip guns, stun guns, tasers, knives (except for kitchen knives and small pocketknives not used or intended for use as a weapon or to inflict bodily injury), and explosive devices. 


2.     To ensure that weapons and ammunition are inaccessible to the child assigned to you by BBBSKY and to any other child participating in a BBBSKY activity, while the child is under your supervisionThe means of ensuring the inaccessibility will be discussed during the interview. 


3.   To adhere to the policy that a volunteer will not carry a weapon, concealed or open, at any time while accompanying the child assigned to you by BBBSKY or accompanying any other child participating in a BBBSKY activity (with the exception of law enforcement officers who are required to carry a weapon at all times and have received prior approval from BBBSKY). 


4.       To understand that BBBSKY will disclose to the parent/guardian of the child assigned to you by BBBSKY the agency’s weapons policy and the volunteer’s admission of weapon ownership or the presence of a weapon in the home, automobile, etc. 

5. In order to participate in an activity where weapons are involved, the Little and Big must complete a state-approved hunter education course, accredited gun safety course, or other relevant weapons safety course related to the specific activity involving weapons, should this activity be approved by parent/guardian and the Match Support SpecialistDocumentation of course completion, written permission from the parent/guardian, and approval from BBBSKY must be obtained prior to participating in any activity requiring/involving the use of a weapon. (e.g., hunting, usage of crossbows, target/clay pigeon shooting, ax throwing, etc.).  


6.       To abide by all state laws regulating hunting/weapons usage and any other policy or procedure that BBBSKY may put into effect regarding weapons. 


7.        Non-hunting, archery target activities (with a standard bow and arrow) are allowable with prior written parent/guardian and BBBSKY approval.   


Application Acknowledgement

I understand that this is an application for a volunteer opportunity and is not a promise or commitment by Big Brothers Big Sisters.

I certify that all information I have provided or will provide to Big Brothers Big Sisters, including this application, is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained in my application will be verified by Big Brothers Big Sisters. I understand that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant or my termination as a volunteer.

At any time while involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, I agree to immediately inform my Big Brothers Big Sisters contact person of any and all infractions, violations, charges, and convictions related to any civil, domestic, or criminal matters.  I understand that BBBS staff needs to be fully informed to provide the best guidance or support possible.