Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina provides children and youth with safe, quality mentoring relationships with caring adults who serve as volunteers. Our Bigs teach by example the importance of giving and giving back, of staying in school, and of having respect for family, peers, and community. As a Big, you share with your Little, their parents/guardians, and the agency, a commitment to fostering a safe, enjoyable, meaningful, and healthy mentoring relationship by observing our code of conduct.
I will provide a healthy, safe, and supportive environment for children and youth at all times.
I will not inflict any physical, sexual, emotional, or other abuse or exploitation on children and/or youth.
I will use respectful and appropriate language in all interactions with my Little and avoid use of the following: profanity, derogatory terms, inappropriate jokes, name calling, or discussion of intimate personal details of my life.
I will not engage in any sort of physical contact with a child that may make the child feel uncomfortable, or that violates reasonable boundaries.
I will provide fair treatment to youth and their family, no matter gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, medical needs, and/or sexual orientation.
The Big-Little relationship is based on mutual respect. I agree to treat my Little and their family in a respectful manner at all times.
I agree to notify Big Brothers Big Sisters of Salina immediately of any safety issues in the life of my Little that I become aware of in the course of volunteering.
I understand that failure to adhere to this code of conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.