Nationwide Leadership Council (NLC) Committee Application 

Thank you for applying to serve as a member of a Big Brothers Big Sisters Nationwide Leadership Council (NLC) Committee.  Below, please find the terms, criteria for membership, and performance standards for all NLC Committees, followed by the application.  

If you have any questions about the committees, please email  

Roles & Responsibilities of NLC Committees

The NLC convenes each committee to advance the Big Brothers Big Sisters strategic plan and the work of the Federation in a specific functional area. The work of each committee should be relevant to the goals and responsibilities set forth below. 


Committees include thought leaders from across and, where appropriate, outside the Network, NLC members play an integral role on each committee and are liaisons between the committee and the NLC. The NLC amplifies the committees’ work to the Network.  

  • NLC members are required to serve on at least one committee.  
    • There must be at least 3 NLC members on each committee.
  • A committee member does not have to be a member of the NLC.  
    • Agency board members, agency staff, BBBS staff, and, where appropriate, outside experts, who are thought leaders in the committee’s functional area may also serve on an NLC committee.
    • Unless invited, non-NLC members do not attend NLC meetings.  
  • Diversity must be considered in the overall mix of NLC members (including agency size, market area, gender, race, etc.). 
  • All members of NLC committees (other than outside experts) must be from agencies in good standing. 

Committee Chair(s):

  • NLC Vice Chairs, with input from the NLC Chair, select the committee chair/co-chairs. 
  • At least one committee chair/co-chair is a member of the NLC, however, there may be instances where a non-NLC member may be appointed as the sole Chair, if approved by the Engagement and Governance Committee.  
  • Committee chairs/co-chairs set priorities, schedule meetings, and establish the agenda.
  • All committee chairs meet regularly to discuss progress and committee intersectionality.   

Committee Member Selection: 

  • Committee chairs, with assistance from the Engagement and Governance Committee, determine the size of the committee based on need and select committee members.  
  • Committee members and BBBSA staff are invited to give input into potential members.


  • Committee terms are two years, with an opportunity to renew for a second two-year term. 

Committee Application

To review the full NLC Committee Descriptions, please click here.

I hereby apply for a seat on the following Nationwide Leadership Council (NLC) Committee (Please select any/all of interest):
Applicant Information

Applicant Experience

Background Check
A background check may be conducted as part of the application process, including obtaining references from agency stakeholder(s).