In-Kind Donation Form
The Mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters is the provide one-to-one mentoring that ignites the power and promise of youth.
Thank you for your support of our program and services for local youth.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is a 501(c)3 organization EIN: 91-6061587.
A Copy of this form will be emailed to you after submission for your tax records.
Unless indicated otherwise no goods or services were exchanged in consideration of the items donated.
Donor Name
Zip Code
Phone Number
What type of donation is being made?
Both Goods and Services
Please provide a description of the donation
Please provide any special instructions relating to the use of the donation.
Please provide the fair market value of the donated goods/services
Please identify how the donation will be received by BBBS
Delivered to BBBS Office
Must be picked up from donor
If possible, please upload a photo of the donation.
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