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Thank you for your interest in becoming a Big Brother/Sister. All applications will be given equal consideration regardless of race, religion, national origin, color, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability.  
Basic Information

input NA if none

To select multiple, hold CTRL/CMD and click.
File can be a screenshot, PDF, or picture. If you are unable to upload a copy of your license , we will be able to obtain this at a later date in the enrollment process. 
File can be a screenshot, PDF, or picture.  If you are unable to upload a copy of your auto insurance policy, we will be able to obtain this at a later date in the enrollment process.
Contact Information
Employer Information
Additional Information

References & Background Check

Previous Experience
Volunteer Experience
Please provide at least three references below including:
  • Your spouse or domestic partner OR a family member if you do not have a spouse, partner, or significant other.
  • Current or former employee or coworker you have known for at least one year or someone from your school if you are a student
  • A friend or neighbor you have known for at least two years
Spousal/Familial Reference
Professional Reference
Minimum 1 year
Personal Reference
Minimum 2 years
  1. The references and youth-serving organization(s) I listed may be contacted by mail, telephone, email, or in person.
  2. The information I provided may be used to conduct a background check, to include a search of public domain records, driving records check, juvenile and adult criminal history check, military records, and other records where required by local, state, or federal law for volunteers working with youth (see attached authorization).
  3. I am in no way obligated to perform any volunteer services.
  4. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County (BBBS) is not obligated to match me with a youth and may deny my application or close my match at any time, and to protect all participants’ confidentiality, BBBS is not required to disclose reasons for doing so.
  5. Other Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies and youth organizations where I have worked or volunteered may be contacted as references.
  6. As part of the enrollment processes, I will be required to provide additional personal information, including completion of an in-person interview.
  7. I understand that the information I provide in the enrollment process will be kept confidential, unless disclosure is required by law with exceptions noted below.
  8. I understand that incidents of child abuse or neglect, past or present, must be reported to proper authorities;
  9. I understand that certain relevant information about me will be discussed with the parent/guardian of a child who is a prospective match (this might include demographic information, information relevant to parent/child preferences, and any information relevant to a child’s safety or well-being).
  10. It is my responsibility to update the agency if any of the information I provide on this application, in my interview, or any other information provided during the enrollment process changes (i.e. address, phone number, auto-insurance, new criminal charges, etc.).
  11. I agree to timely communication and follow-up with all agency staff.

Pre-Interview Questionnaire

Prior to your volunteer interview, please answer the questions below. The information you provide will also help us make a better match for you and assure we can support you during your involvement with our program. Please note that you will have an opportunity to discuss these questions and your responses more thoroughly during your interview.  
Please note, those with more than six points on their license will be disqualified. 
Agency Weapons Policy

• Possession of firearms and weapons by the volunteer is to be disclosed to BBBS’ agency staff during enrollment and throughout the life of the match.

• Possession of firearms is disclosed to the Little’s parent/guardian by agency staff.

• Whenever a Little visits a Big’s home, firearms in the home must be locked, unloaded and inaccessible by the Little, and ammunition kept in a separate place.

At orientation, the Big applicant and parent/guardian will review and agree that weapons, firearms and ammunition will be made inaccessible at all times to a child while in the Big’s care unless participating in a specific activity that BBBS staff and the parent/guardian have approved in advance. Such approval is documented in the match file (e.g., hunter

safety courses).

Please provide the name, age, and relationship to you for anyone else residing in your home.

Confidentiality Policy

Access to Confidential Records


In order for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County (“Agency”) to provide a responsible and professional service for children, it is necessary for volunteers, children and parents/guardians to be asked to divulge extensive personal information about themselves and their families. Agency respects the confidentiality of the child and volunteer records and, with the exception of the limits of confidentiality listed below, shall not share information about children, parents/guardians and volunteers with any other person outside of Agency, without written consent.


All records are considered the property of Agency and not Agency staff, children and parents/guardians, or volunteers themselves. In order to provide a service that is in the best interest of the children served by the program, information from outside sources, including confidential references, must be assessed along with information gained from the children, parents/guardians and volunteers themselves. Records are not available for review by the children, parents/guardians or volunteers. Parents/guardians and volunteers shall be provided, at the time of application, a copy of this Confidentiality Policy, along with the exceptions that define the limits of confidentiality. Parents/guardians and volunteers shall sign a statement that he/she has read and understands Agency’s policy on confidentiality and agrees to program participation under the guidelines it sets forth.


Limits of Confidentiality


1.   Information will be released to other individuals or organizations upon presentation of an authorized Consent to Release Information, appropriately signed by the parent/guardian or volunteer.


2.   Identifying information regarding children and volunteers may be used in Agency’s

publications or promotional materials if the parent/guardian or volunteer has given written permission.


3.   For purposes of program evaluation, and with the prior approval of the board of directors, certain outside bodies such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America may have access to child and volunteer records. These outside organizations shall be required to respect Agency’s policy on confidentiality. Outside parties shall be required to use information only for the purpose(s) stated in the approval action of the board of directors. Known violations of Agency’s Confidentiality Policy will be reported to the supervisor of the individual involved and appropriate disciplinary action shall be requested.


4.   Members of the board of directors have access to client files only upon authorization by formal motion of the board of directors. The motion shall state who shall be authorized to review records, the specific purpose for such review, the period of time required to comply with Agency’s Confidentiality Policy and may use the information only for purposes stated by the approved action of the board of directors. Known violations shall be reported to the board president. A violation of Agency's Confidentiality Policy by a board member shall constitute adequate cause for removal from office.


5.   Information shall only be provided to law enforcement officials or the courts pursuant to a valid and enforceable subpoena.


6.   Information shall be provided to Agency's legal counsel in the event of litigation or potential litigation involving Agency. Such information is considered privileged information, and its confidentiality is protected by law.


7.   State law mandates that suspected child abuse be reported to the appropriate authorities at the Department of Social Services. All workers are responsible for staying abreast of such reporting requirements of their respective jurisdiction and shall always comply with mandated procedures.


8.   If Agency staff receive information indicating that a child or volunteer may be dangerous to himself, herself or others, necessary steps may be taken to protect the appropriate party. This may include a medical referral or a report to the local law enforcement authorities.


I have read and understand Agency’s policy on confidentiality of child and volunteer records. I agree to program participation under the conditions this policy sets forth.

We realize that many of our volunteers are active on social media channels, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. As a volunteer for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County (BBBS), and ultimately a representative of our organization, we want you to keep these guidelines in mind when engaging on social media.

  1. Safety of Littles is our number one priority.                                                                                        It is very important to keep child safety and confidentiality issues in mind when communicating on social media sites. Please refrain from providing identification information about your Little (such as name, location, etc.).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      For example, “My Little and I are having a great time at the zoo right now” specifies your location and could jeopardize you and your Little’s safety. A better option would be to delay the message until after the activity, “I had a great time with my Little at the zoo today.”           
  2. A parent/guardian release form is required for all photos.                                                            In order to release pictures or information about Littles on websites, BBBS must obtain a parent/guardian consent form. If the parent/guardian of the Little does not sign this release, the Big should not post pictures or divulge any personal information, including name of the child or city/state where they live.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Please contact BBBS before posting any information about your Little in order to verify their parent/guardian have consented to release of information.                                                     
  3. You are responsible for your actions and communications.                                                        Please exercise sound judgment when using social media. As a Big, you are a representative of BBBS and thus serve as a role model for your Little and the community. This should be reflected in all social media messages and content. Anything you post that could potentially have a negative impact on our organization is your responsibility. No posts, pictures or information that exemplifies questionable behavior as a role model for a child should be communicated –whether you are partaking or not.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  When in doubt about a post, please consult your match support specialist.                                                                               
  4. Online privacy does not exist.                                                                                                              Do not assume that things you publish on a private, personal profile cannot be accessed. No matter the settings applied to your social network sites, all it takes is for someone to copy and paste the information to a public profile or site.                                                                             
  5. We strongly urge you to keep your profiles set to private and closely monitor your friend requests and followers on social media.                                                                                          The people that you associate with on social media are a direct reflection of you. Please be aware that, as a volunteer, your interactions with others reflect on our organization.                                                                                                                                                                                           
  6. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County has the right to monitor the social media activities of our Bigs.                                                                                                                                  If you are seen using social media inappropriately or in a way that reflects poorly on our organization, your relationship with BBBS could be terminated. 

We recommend that you DO NOT “friend” your Little through social media channels. However, if you decide to, you must follow these guidelines:

  • Do not post pictures of your Little, unless previously approved by their parent/guardian with written documentation through BBBS.
  • Do not post your Little’s full name, location, school or other personal information.
Please list how you are referenced on social media:

Publicity Release

Please Read the Following Carefully:

I understand that this is an application for a volunteer opportunity and is not a promise or commitment by Big Brothers Big Sisters.

I certify that all information I have provided or will provide to Big Brothers Big Sisters, including this application, is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have and will answer all questions to the best of my ability and that I have not and will not withhold any information that would affect my application for a volunteer position. I understand that information contained in my application will be verified by Big Brothers Big Sisters. I understand that misrepresentations or omissions may be cause for my immediate rejection as an applicant or my termination as a volunteer.

At any time while involved with the Big Brothers Big Sisters program, I agree to immediately inform my Big Brothers Big Sisters contact person of any and all infractions, violations, charges, and convictions related to any civil, domestic, or criminal matters.  I understand that BBBS staff needs to be fully informed to provide the best guidance or support possible.  
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Please click the "Review & Sign" button below to electronically sign and officially submit this application, which will begin the enrollment process. A staff member from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Washington County will contact you in the near future regarding additional steps needed in order to complete the enrollment process.