I give permission for my child to volunteer as a Big Brothers Big Sisters High School Big. I understand that
they will spend one class period in this class: four days peer week at the mentee's school (elementary or middle school) and one day per week in Park High School.I understand that their involvement in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country (BBBS-BSC) program will be under the guidance of the BBBS-BSC staff.
I further understand that:
- Big Brothers Big Sisters staff will complete an interview with my child to determine fit for the program and help with matching my child to their mentee.
- If my child is going to be absent from school for any reason, they will have to notify BBBS staff and be excused by Park High School in order to be excused from class. Failure to do so will negatively affect my child's grade.
- My child must keep their G.P.A at or above 2.5. By signing this form, I am giving Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country permission to gather GPA information on my child for program requirements.
- My child will receive a letter grade for participating in this class. I am aware that my child will have to complete quarter projects and match support (verbal check in with BBBS-BSC staff about their matches). I am also aware that my child may receive a grade of F for failing to complete the requirements of this course.
- Transportation is the responsibility of my child.
- My child will abide by all policies and procedures set forth by Big Brothers Big Sisters. If my child is issued a warning or charged with a crime by the Police, I will notify BBBS staff in advance.
- If school is in person, the meetings will be in person and supervised by BBBS. If school is fully or partially virtual, however, BBBS programs may be facilitated via virtual technology (e.g. Teams, Google Classroom, Zoom) or other communication avenues (e.g. phone, email, mail) that are monitored by BBBS staff.
COVID-19 Safety: BBBS is taking precautions to limit participant exposure to COVID-19 through requiring program participants to wear masks when participating in BBBS programs (BBBS will have extras available), encouraging good hand hygiene, and practicing physical distancing.
- I understand there are risks involved with meeting in person, even if careful precautions are taken.
- I will talk to my child about the above precautions and will keep my child at home if my child, or any household member, is feeling ill.
I give BBBS-BSC permission to obtain social and academic information about my child (e.g. reports cards, behavior reports, attendance records) from the school. I understand that this information is used for program evaluation outcomes, grant purposes, and to determine whether the program is a good fit for the applicant.
I give permission to BBBS-BSC to share basic information about my child with their mentee's parent (name, age, likes/dislikes).
I feel this is a good opportunity for my child and fully support and recommend their involvement in the program. Please accept this as both my permission and a positive reference for my child to participate in this program.