BBBS Youth Application

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Non-Discrimination Policy
Our participants come to us with a wide range of personal characteristics. We believe that participant eligibility shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability. 
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Youth Information
Enter a date in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy

Hold CTRL+F to select multiple

This is the year the youth will graduate.
Guardian Information
Type NA if unemployed
Family Information

Physical Address
Emergency Contact
If we are unable to reach you, who is someone we could call who always knows how to reach you?

Additional Questions

Other Siblings and Relatives in the Program
Please choose this child's relationship to the following people:

We will make every effort to honor your preferences for your child's mentor. BBBS does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, gender presentation, marital status, sexual orientation, or religion.

Parent/Guardian Agreement

By checking the box below and providing my signature at the end of this form, I give permission:
  1. For my child to participate in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program;
  2. For the volunteer matched with my child, who has been screened and approved by Big Brothers Big Sisters, to personally interact with and transport my child to events and match activities, if applicable and allowed by program type;
  3. For the school to provide social and academic information about my child to Big Brothers Big Sisters (e.g. report cards, behavior reports);
  4. To have my child participate in an intake interview conducted by Big Brothers Big Sisters staff and complete questionnaires throughout their time in the program containing questions about school, home life, the match, and personal interests to evaluate and improve program services;
  5. To have my child talk with a Big Brothers Big Sisters staff person about personal safety;
  6. For BBBS staff to provide contact information for me and my child to the volunteer.
I understand that the program is not obligated to match my child with a volunteer and that as part of the enrollment process, I will be asked to provide additional information through an in-person interview. I understand that the information I provide in the enrollment process will be kept confidential, unless disclosure is required by law. I understand that incidents of child abuse or neglect, past or present, will be reported to proper authorities. I understand that certain relevant information about my child will be discussed with the volunteer who is a prospective match (i.e. demographic information, information relevant to volunteer preferences, and information relevant to child-safety and well-being). I, on behalf of myself and my child, completely release and forever discharge Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country and its employees, agents, members, volunteers and all other persons on its behalf, together with any successors in interest, heirs, attorneys, agents, representatives, and all persons acting by, through, under, or in concert with them from all known and unknown charges, complaints, claims, grievances, liabilities, obligations, promises, controversies, damages, actions, causes of action, suits, rights, demands, costs, losses, debts, penalties, fees, wages, attorneys’ fees and costs, and punitive damages of any kind or nature whatsoever, whether known or unknown, which I may have, or may have had, against Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country, arising from any participation in said program and activities, including but not limited to any liability to any right of action that may occur to such child directly, or to me as their guardian. I intend and understand that this release and discharge is to be interpreted and enforced so as to provide the broadest release and discharge possible as may be permitted by law. I understand that this information may be shared with the school or with partnership agencies when applicable. If my child is matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister I agree to support my child’s match by reviewing the program and safety information given to me by Big Brothers Big Sisters, communicating with Big Brothers Big Sisters staff as outlined in expectations (which includes communication at least once a month in the first year of the match), and immediately reporting any concerns I might have to Big Brothers Big Sisters staff.

Parent/Guardian Contract

When it comes to the future of our children and the well-being of our communities, we are all in this together. Parents/guardians of Littles need to be involved every step of the way during their child’s involvement with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country.

As the parent/guardian, you will provide information about your child’s strengths and needs. You will also approve the selection of the Big Brother or Big Sister for your child. Once the match is made, you will remain closely involved in many ways, including but not limited to:
  • Approving activities and outings for your child and their Big;
  • Asking your child questions about those outings and sharing what you learn with the agency staff; 
  • Reporting your child’s progress and milestones to the agency on a regular basis (Big Brothers Big Sisters will contact you, but we welcome your updates at any time);
  • Participating in training on child safety offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters staff and communicating with your child about the safety training he or she receives.
Finally, Big Brothers Big Sisters’ professional staff time is valuable, as is your time. 

Returning phone calls, emails, or text messages promptly (within 24 hours) is crucial to maintaining a healthy, safe match.

Checking the box below indicates that you will respond promptly to contact attempts. 

Confidentiality Policy


I agree to keep information discussed with me regarding a potential (Big) match confidential. I will not discuss this information with any person other than the assigned professional staff of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country.


I understand information about me and my child will be prepared by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country, and consent to its disclosure to a Big for my child. I understand that my child will not be identified by last name until after the match has been agreed upon. I give my permission for the matching information to be shared with a potential Big only under the above conditions.

Youth Safety Guidelines and Grounds Rules for Parents/Guardians

Match Guidelines
  1. This is a friendship between the Volunteer and the Child; siblings or friends are not to be included on match outings.  Our liability insurance only covers the match participants.
  2. The Volunteer will meet with the Child on a consistent basis; generally 1-2 hours a week. Excessive contact or lack of contact should be discussed with your Match Support Specialist. 
  3. The Volunteer will make arrangements with the parent/guardian before picking up the Child, inform him/her where they will be going and when they will return. The parent/guardian should approve all activities in advance. Inability to meet at the scheduled time needs to be communicated as soon as possible. 
  4. The Volunteer is a friend to the Child, not a therapist. Consult your Match Support Specialist if there is a concern.  
  5. The Volunteer is not to be involved in disciplining the Child although they should maintain appropriate boundaries.  Concerns should be discussed with the parent/guardian and the Match Support Specialist, if needed. Keeping the Child from seeing the Volunteer should not be routinely used as disciplinary action by the parent/guardian; however, the Volunteer needs to respect the parent/guardian’s role and authority.
  6. The parent/guardian will not ask the Volunteer for household assistance, transportation, nor babysitting.
  7. The Volunteer will never leave the Child with anyone who has NOT been screened by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country; i.e. spouse, relative, friend, roommate.
  8. Overnight stays are not allowed for the first year of the match. Thereafter, overnight stays are only allowed in exceptional circumstances. You must talk with and get approval from your Match Support Specialist in advance. 
  9. Low cost, no cost activities are encouraged. Utilize the discount program as well as free outings and tickets provided by the agency. The parent/guardian is responsible for the Child’s share of expenses.
  10. Inexpensive gifts are appropriate for special occasions or holidays. Gifts should be approved by the parent/guardian.  Your Match Support Specialist should be notified when a gift of an excessive nature is given to the Child.
  11. When the Volunteer transports the Child, all are required to wear seat belts. The parent/guardian will tell the Volunteer what kind of age-appropriate car seating is needed for the Child.
  12. Firearms Policy: Possession of firearms by the Big is to be disclosed to the parent by agency staff. Whenever the Little visits the home of a Big, firearms in the Big’s home are to be locked and unloaded, and ammo kept in a separate place. The parent/ guardian needs to approve of any match outing where a firearm will be used. Further, the Little may not engage in hunting activities unless they have completed hunter’s safety and provided BBBS documentation of completing the course. 
  13. A medical release card, signed by the parent/guardian, will be given to the Volunteer at the time of the match. The Volunteer should be informed of any allergies, medical conditions, fears, procedures to administer medications, etc.  The Volunteer and Match Support Specialist will also be informed of any changes.
  14. Media and Digital Platform Consent: A media consent form, signed by the parent/guardian, is required before a Volunteer can release any photos or information about the Child in any form of media. The Child’s last name, place of residence and any other details regarding the Child and their family should never be divulged. There are some Littles who have profiles on social media sites; they also must understand the need to not divulge personal information about the Volunteer without consent.
  15. All parties are required to check in with their Match Support Specialist when contacted. Match parties will be contacted once a month if their match is under a year and quarterly if matched over a year (only if the match is in good standing). Failure to be in regular contact may result in closure of the match. 
Child Safety

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country’s first priority is the safety of the child. We will review key child safety information with you and your child during the interview. If you ever suspect any signs of abuse or neglect or have any concerns about the safety of your child, contact BBBS staff immediately.