Non-Discrimination Policy
Our participants come to us with a wide range of personal characteristics. We believe that participant eligibility shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability. 


Agency Location & Program Selection

Central Ohio Programs
Program Descriptions
  • Community-Based: Matches meet one-on-one out in the community 2 times a month. 
  • School-Based Plus: Matches meet out in the community as well as in their school setting.
  • School-Based Facilitated: Matches meet in a supervised school setting during the day or after-school. Bigs and Littles may not communicate outside of school mentoring sessions.

Union County Programs
Program Description
  • Community-Based: Matches meet one-on-one out in the community 2 times a month. 

East Central Ohio Programs
Program Descriptions
  • Community-Based: Matches meet one-on-one out in the community 2 times a month. 
  • School-Based Plus: Matches meet out in the community as well as in their school setting.
  • School-Based Facilitated: Matches meet in a supervised school setting during the day or after-school. Bigs and Littles may not communicate outside of school mentoring sessions.

South Central Ohio Programs
Program Descriptions
  • Community-Based: Matches meet one-on-one out in the community 2 times a month. 
  • School-Based Facilitated: Matches meet in a supervised school setting during the day or after-school. Bigs and Littles may not communicate outside of school mentoring sessions.

Greater Cleveland Programs
Program Descriptions
  • Community-Based: Matches meet one-on-one out in the community 2 times a month.

If your child's school is not available please select the community-based program.
Hidden Fields
For notifications



All information on this application is confidential.  We use this information to assist in matching your child and for grant funding only.
Child Information

e.g. Jr, III

Enter a date in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy

Press CTRL while choosing to select multiple

Use THIS LINK to determine graduation year by grade.

Enter numbers only starting with area code

Guardian Information
Input format: mm/dd/yyyy
Enter numbers only starting with area code
Enter numbers only starting with area code
Enter numbers only starting with area code
Type NA if unemployed

Family Information
Physical Address

i.e Franklin County Children's Services
Existing Household Members
Please choose this child's relationship to the following people:

Emergency Contact
In the event you cannot be reached please provide an emergency contact:

The following information will help assist us in matching your child to a screened Big (volunteer).

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply

Check all that apply