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Our participants come to us with a wide range of personal characteristics. We believe that participant eligibility shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or disability.
Disclaimer: By providing my phone number to “BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge”, I agree and acknowledge that “BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge” may send text messages to my wireless phone number for any purpose. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency will vary, and you will be able to Opt-out by replying “STOP”.
Privacy Policy: No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.
Access to Confidential Records
In order for BBBS of the Central Blue Ridge, Inc. to provide a responsible and professional service to clients, participants will be asked to divulge extensive personal information about themselves and their families. The agency respects the confidentiality of client and volunteer records, and with the exception of situations listed below, shares information about clients and volunteers only among the agency professional staff. The right to confidentiality applies not only to written records, but also to video, film, pictures or use of client or volunteer's name in agency publications.
All records are considered the property of the agency and not the agency workers, clients or volunteers themselves. In order to provide a service which is in the best interest of the children served by the program, information from outside sources, including confidential references, must be assessed, along with information gained from the clients or volunteers themselves. Records are not available for review by the clients or volunteers and reasons for non-acceptance into the program will not be provided due to confidentiality issues. Clients and volunteers shall be provided a copy of this statement on confidentiality, along with the exceptions which define the limits of confidentiality, at the time of application.
Limits of Confidentiality
1. Information will be released to other individuals or organizations only upon presentation of an authorized "consent to release information" form appropriately signed by the client or volunteer.
2. Identifying information regarding clients and volunteers may be used in agency publications or promotional materials if the client or volunteer has given permission.
3. For purposes of program evaluation, audit, or accreditation, and with the prior approval of the Board of Directors, certain outside bodies such as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America may have access to client and volunteer records. These outside organizations shall be required to respect the agency policy on confidentiality. Outside parties shall be required to use information only for the purpose(s) stated in the approval action of the Board of Directors.
4. Known violations of agency confidentiality policy will be reported to the supervisor of the individual involved and appropriate disciplinary action shall be requested.
5. Members of the Board of Directors have access to client files only upon authorization by formal motion of the Board of Directors. The motion shall state who shall be authorized to review records, the specific purpose for such review and the period of time during which access shall be granted. Members shall be required to comply with the agency policies on confidentiality and may use the information only for purposes stated by the approved action of the Board of Directors. Known violations shall be reported to the Board President. A violation of the agency's confidentiality policy by a Board Member shall constitute adequate cause for removal from office.
6. Information shall only be provided to law enforcement officials or the courts pursuant to a valid and enforceable subpoena.
7. Information shall be provided to an agency's legal counsel, Board President, and the agency insurance carrier in the event of litigation or potential litigation involving the agency. Such information is considered privileged information, and its confidentiality is protected by law.
8. State law mandates that suspected child abuse be reported to the appropriate authorities (VA Dept. of Social Services-Child Protective Services Unit). All workers are responsible for staying abreast of such reporting requirements of their respective jurisdiction and shall always comply with mandated procedures.
9. If any agency worker receives information indicating that a client or volunteer may be dangerous to himself or herself or to others, necessary steps may be taken to protect the appropriate party. This may include medical referral or a report to the local law enforcement authorities.
Do not participate in any online communication with/about your Little unless you have discussed this with the Parent/Guardian and have their approval in writing. Most social media platforms have required users to be 13 years old. Bigs should not connect with youth under the age of 13 on social media.
Give the Parent/Guardian and your Match Support Specialist information about the networks you intend to use. When possible link your page to agency page so we can follow along with your posting. We are active on social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Only post pictures of your Little unless when you have the consent of the child’s Parent/Guardian.
Never post any identifying information about your Little (last names, child’s home address/neighborhood, school, Parent/Guardian’s place of work).
Understand that posting content that could be perceived as judgmental or offensive to your Little or their family may be damaging to your relationship with your Little or their family.
Make sure your page settings are set to private, so that only people you approve of can view your online content. Additionally, keep all hand held devices password protected.
Honor confidentiality guidelines of your match; be cautious when posting detailed information about conversations with your Little, their Parent/Guardian or with BBBSOCBR staff. Posting generalized information, check-ins or status updates are typically appropriate, but lengthier postings or blogs containing in-depth information about your Littles “story” should be approved by Little, Parent/Guardian and agency staff prior to posting.
Be aware of other postings on your page that are not BBBSOCBR related or are inappropriate for minors. Know that as a Big, you are always a role model. Please ensure that all contents are appropriate and kid friendly, in case your Little or their Parent/Guardian were to read your posts/pages. If your social network allows it, create a separate group for your Little, their Parent/Guardian and BBBSOCBR staff that limits your Little’s access to your general or universal postings
When in doubt about whether to post, consult with your Match Support Specialist prior to posting.
Volunteers’ use of Social Media will not be actively monitored by BBBSOCBR. However, if BBBSOCBR receives a complaint or inquiry, or otherwise becomes aware of a potential violation of this Policy or another BBBSOCBR policy or guideline, BBBSOCBR has the right to access the Volunteer’s Social Media sites to review them for compliance purposes. Volunteers shall fully cooperate with any BBBSOCBR investigation and provide BBBSOCBR access to their Social Media sites upon the request of BBBSOCBR.
If BBBSOCBR determines a Volunteer violated this Policy, BBBSOCBR may terminate its relationship with the Volunteer (including but not limited to terminating a Big’s match with his or her Little, terminating a Volunteer opportunity, and/or refusing to accept a candidate as a Volunteer) and take any other action allowed under the law or in equity on its own behalf or on behalf of the Little to specifically enforce this Policy. This policy may be updated, revised or revoked by BBBSOCBR at any time. Updates and revisions to this Policy will be forwarded to Volunteers via email and shall automatically be applicable to Volunteers. Volunteers shall monitor emails from BBBSOCBR Staff to stay apprised of any changes to the Policy. If you have any questions, please consult your Match Support Specialist.
I will serve as a volunteer Big for at least one year. During this time, I will see my Little once per week and communicate with my Little’s parent in advance if I need to cancel an outing.
I will serve as a positive role model to my Little be sensitive to his/her needs and feelings.
I will respect my Little’s privacy as well as that of his/her family.
I will be in contact with my Match Support Specialist every month for the first year of the match and every three months thereafter.
I will communicate directly to my Little’s Parent/Guardian about match activity plans.
I will do my best to plan no cost/low cost activities and reserve gift giving for special occasions.
I will not include my Little’s siblings, cousins or friends on our outings. I will ask permission from my Little and his/her Parent/Guardian to include others on an outing.
I will not visit my Little during regular school hours (i.e. lunch, recess).
I will obey all traffic laws and follow child passenger safety policies when transporting my Little (under 8 years old in a booster; under 12 years old in the back seat).
I will not leave my Little alone with another adult.
In the event, my match needs to close (moving, health, life change, etc.) I will let Match Support know ASAP and follow agency closure procedures by planning one last outing with my Little to celebrate our time together.
Noncompliance with the following rules can result in immediate match closure.
I will respect my Little’s personal boundaries by not tickling, wrestling, putting them on my shoulders or having them sit on my lap. I will ask my Little for permission first before giving them a hug.
I will not consume drugs or alcohol when transporting or spending time with my Little.
I will not take my Little more than thirty minutes away from his/her home for the first six months of the match.
I will not bring my Little to my home for the first three (3) months of the match and until an in-person home assessment is completed by my Match Support Specialist. I will always get permission from my Little’s Parent/Guardian to bring my Little to my home. (Madison House/UVA student volunteers may not bring Littles to their home at any time.)
I understand that activities involving weapons such as firearms, handguns, zip guns, hunting knives, swords, explosives, etc. are strictly prohibited.
I will not have any overnight visits with My Little at any point during the match unless it’s an agency-sponsored event that both the P/G and Match Support Specialist have given permission for.
It is the policy of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Central Blue Ridge, Inc. to try to prevent accidental injury from firearms to Littles and others associated with its program. Therefore, all Volunteers must agree:
To inform BBBS staff of the presence of any firearm or ammunition in the Big’s household, including the presence of any firearms or any ammunition at any time while involved in the program.
To ensure that all firearms and ammunition are inaccessible to a Little, including taking any steps indicated by BBBS staff as appropriate safety precautions.
To permit BBBS to advise the relevant persons associated with its programs, including the Little’s parent or guardian, of the presence of any firearms or ammunition in the Big’s household.
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